Categoria selezionata: Toscana
“Do the Woo” Finds Its Home at
Bob Dunn loved designing, but didn’t fancy himself a coder. In the early 2000s, while struggling to create a website for his business, he thought to himself, “There’s got to be something better.” When Bob discovered WordPress in 2006, he realized he had discovered that better solution. With WordPress, he could build great-looking sites from Continua a leggere..
Just Launched: GitHub Deployments

Say goodbye to the hassle of manual file uploads and tedious deployments, and say hello to’s new GitHub Deployments. With GitHub Deployments, you can seamlessly connect your repository to your site in just a few clicks. Now you can focus on what you do best: writing outstanding code. Each time you push a Continua a leggere..
Re-Creating The New York Times’ Website in Under 30 Minutes Using
In this “Build and Beyond” video, Jamie Marsland re-creates The New York Times’ website in less than 30 minutes using By utilizing mega menus, master layouts, typography controls, and post grids, Jamie shows us what’s possible with the limitless customizations available with WordPress. When it comes to mega menus, specifically, it’s worth noting that Continua a leggere..
WordCamp Asia 2024: The WordPress Community Comes Together in Taipei
This year’s WordCamp Asia was held in Taipei, the vibrant capital city of Taiwan. Members from joined other Automatticians, as well as around 2,000 other attendees from across 70 countries to connect, learn, build, and give back to the platform that powers millions of top websites across the internet. The event kicked off with Continua a leggere..
Introducing “Build and Beyond”: A New Video Series From and Jamie Marsland
Jamie Marsland has been preaching the WordPress gospel for over a decade and has trained thousands of people on blocks, plugins, and more. Through his popular YouTube channel and hands-on courses, Jamie provides incredible tutorials and breaks down the most common misconceptions about building with WordPress. We’re happy to share that is partnering with Continua a leggere..
WP Cloud Is Powering the Future of WordPress
The foundational infrastructure for the websites you build and manage is crucial for ensuring a safe, secure, fast, and reliable environment. That’s where WP Cloud comes in. Automattic, the parent company of, built WP Cloud because we wanted a cloud platform constructed from the ground up just for WordPress. We’ve hosted millions of websites Continua a leggere..
Case Study: Jelly Pixel Studio’s Journey With

Jelly Pixel Studio, a web development agency based in Indonesia, specializes in crafting unique and illustrative websites for clients worldwide. The company serves a wide variety of clients, from small businesses to larger corporations, utilizing as their primary hosting platform due to its exceptional stability, fast performance, and robust features. Over the years, the Continua a leggere..
Welcome to a More Powerful WP-Admin Experience
As Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg teased in a January blog post, our team at is working hard to enhance our developer experience. Improving what you see in your dashboard when you log into is one of our biggest goals. Today, we’re excited to unveil a more powerful wp-admin experience (if you know, you Continua a leggere..
Bundt al cioccolato e caffè con ripieno di cream cheese
Caffè Espresso – Gloria Cristian Pratico un massaggio cardiaco a questo blog che è orami al collasso. Ho per caso visto la data della mia ultima pubblicazione e mi sono sentita profondamente imbarazzata. Nella mia testa c’è la convinzione che ormai non lo legga più nessuno, invece trovo ancora messaggi e commenti che mi fanno capire il contrario. Sono Continua a leggere..

住宅ローンは固定金利が安心 住宅ローンの金利は固定金利を選ぶのが安心です。マイホームを購入するときには住宅ローンの頭金の支払いを終えたら、基本的には毎月返済をしていくことになります。毎月いくらの返済なのかがはっきりとしていた方が安心でしょう。固定金利の場合には住宅ローンの契約をした時点で金利が固定されるため、毎月の支払い額がはっきりと決まって動くことはありません。変動金利の住宅ローンにすると、金利が変わったことによって返済額が変わる可能性があります。金利が下がれば返済額が少なくなりますが、金利が上がると返済額は大きくなります。金利変動によって返済できなくなるリスクを負わないためには固定金利の住宅ローンを選ぶことがおすすめです。 住宅ローンを変動金利にした方が良いケース 変動金利の住宅ローンが提供されているのは、人によっては固定金利よりも変動金利の方が良い場合があるからです。変動金利にした方が良いケースは2つあります。1つは初期の金利を少しでも低くしたい場合です。一般的に変動金利は固定金利に比べると金利が低く設定されています。今後、収入が増えていく見込みがあるなら、住宅ローンを組んだ初期が最も返済負担が大きくなります。この時点で返済苦に悩まされたくない場合には変動金利を選びましょう。もう1つは金利が下がる見込みがあるときです。ゼロ金利政策が続く日本では可能性が低いですが、金融緩和政策が進められた後には再び金利の引き下げが起こることはあり得るので念頭に置いておきましょう。 3000万の家は、予算に余裕があるため、耐震性能や耐久性能などにもこだわった家づくりが可能です。そのため、雨漏りやシロアリ被害などのリスクを抑えられます。