Categoria selezionata: Sicilia
Guida a Leonforte in Sicilia e alle ‘pesche nel sacchetto’
Guida a Leonforte in Sicilia e alle ‘pesche nel sacchetto’, in provincia di Enna: borgo noto per la Gran Fonte, abbeveratoio monumentale.
La Frutta Martorana
Scatola con Frutta Martorana (Ph: Monica Cecere) La tradizione dolciaria in Sicilia è antica quanto la storia dell’isola ed è, come tutta la gastronomia siciliana, un melting-pot di ingredienti, tecniche e preparazioni lasciateci in eredità dalle tante dominazioni. Già in epoca etrusco-romana venivano preparati dei dolcetti di mandorle da offrire alle divinità, ma la Continua a leggere..
Castagne bollite o al forno: come prepararle
Castagne bollite o al forno: come prepararle per ottenere castagne morbide ma compatte e facili da sbucciare. Con video ricetta passo passo
NaNoWriMo + = The Ultimate Author’s Toolkit
NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month, is an annual event where writers from all over the world challenge themselves to write a novel in just one month. It’s a celebration of creativity, determination, and the power of storytelling. In addition to sponsoring NaNoWriMo, is offering a special gift to this year’s participants as a Continua a leggere..
NaNoWriMo + = The Ultimate Author’s Toolkit
NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month, is an annual event where writers from all over the world challenge themselves to write a novel in just one month. It’s a celebration of creativity, determination, and the power of storytelling. In addition to sponsoring NaNoWriMo, is offering a special gift to this year’s participants as a Continua a leggere..
Hot Off the Press: New Themes for October 2023
The team is always working on new design ideas to bring your website to life. Check out the latest themes in our library, featuring beautiful new options for bloggers, creators, and small business operators of all kinds. All Themes Programme Programme is a blog theme inspired by legendary designer Massimo Vignelli’s playbills for the Continua a leggere..
Hot Off the Press: New Themes for October 2023
The team is always working on new design ideas to bring your website to life. Check out the latest themes in our library, featuring beautiful new options for bloggers, creators, and small business operators of all kinds. All Themes Programme Programme is a blog theme inspired by legendary designer Massimo Vignelli’s playbills for the Continua a leggere..
La ricetta della torta di mele in tante golose varianti
La ricetta della torta di mele in tante golose varianti: con la crema, il cioccolato, come crostata o sbriciolata. Una per ogni gusto.
Guida ad Agira in Sicilia: cosa vedere in un giorno
Guida ad Agira in Sicilia: cosa vedere in un giorno in questo antico e solenne paese in provincia di Enna. Con video itinerario
One Inbox to Rule Them All
The internet is undefeated in coining new terms to describe our digital lives: hashtag, blog, clickbait, lurk. Somehow, though, the most universal phenomenon of them all doesn’t have a word yet. How many times have you lost track of an online conversation, even accidentally ghosting someone because you couldn’t remember where it was happening? Between Continua a leggere..