Categoria selezionata: Basilicata


Cookies cioccolato e mandorle

Follow my blog with Bloglovin I cookies cioccolato e mandorle sono dei golosissimi biscotti, ottimi accompagnati con un te , ma anche inzuppati nel latte. Rispetto alla ricetta originale che prevede zucchero di canna, bicarbonato di soda ed essenza di vaniglia; per i cookies cioccolato e mandorle sono necessari un numero di ingredienti minore e di solito sempre presenti in Continua a leggere..

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Browser Notifications on

Today we’re launching a feature that will show instant notifications for new comments and likes — even when you are not actively using Browser notifications give you a real-time sense of your readers’ reactions, allowing you to stay more engaged with your audience. Notifications will show up in Chrome or Firefox in the same Continua a leggere..

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Field Notes: Podcast Movement 2016

Automatticians, the people who build, participate in events and projects around the world every day. Periodically, they report back on the exciting things they do in the community. This week, we share our experience at the Podcast Movement 2016 conference. People use to share many types of stories, from written essays and photo galleries Continua a leggere..

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Follow my blog with Bloglovin I dorayaki sono la versione giapponese dei pancake. Si preparano senza latte, quindi sono ottimi per chi non lo tollera. L’impasto non e’ per niente elaborato e la cottura molto semplice Sono ottimi a colazione ma anche come snack pomeridiano oppure al mare. Si chiudono come un panino e potete Continua a leggere..

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Engineering Happiness en Español

As part of our effort to build a localized Spanish-speaking support team, the Happiness Hiring team at Automattic recently had the opportunity to connect with WordPress communities in Argentina and Spain. From speaking engagements to networking events, our trip was a great way to meet local communities that are passionate about WordPress and exemplary customer support. Last year at Continua a leggere..

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Blogging U. for Photography: Developing Your Eye

Lots of us like to share photography on our sites, so we’re excited to add two photography courses to the Blogging U. library! These free 10-day courses help you sharpen your visual eye so you can create a beautiful photoblog, enhance your website with images, or just get more comfortable with your camera (or all Continua a leggere..

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New Theme: Karuna

It’s Theme Thursday, and I’m excited to present a new free theme called Karuna! Karuna Karuna, designed by Mel Choyce, is a clean business theme designed with health and wellness-focused sites in mind. With bright, bold colors, prominent featured images, a sleek responsive design, and support for customer testimonials, your business’ brand is sure to shine with Karuna. Want to Continua a leggere..

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Torta fluffosa alle pesche e cioccolato bianco

Follow my blog with Bloglovin La torta fluffosa e’ una delle ricette piu’ famose del web, soprattutto tra noi foodblogger. Sui social basta inserire l’hashtag #fluffosa che appaiono delle foto di torta fluffosa stupende e in mille declinazioni.  Io non sono una fotografa ma spero di attrarre ugualmente la vostra attenzione ! Ho preparato la Continua a leggere..

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Customize Your Site’s Footer Credit

Every site displays a footer credit — a line of text at the bottom of the page — which links to our homepage and to the theme you’re currently using. These links help your visitors set up a WordPress site of their own, and highlight the reach and scope of our community. It’s a way to show the world the Continua a leggere..

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Parmigiana senza uova

Follow my blog with Bloglovin   Oggi vi consiglio di preparare la parmigiana senza uova, perche’ gli ingredienti sono pochi, perche’ e’ leggera e digeribile, inoltre non e’ molto elaborata, quindi non ha bisogno di mani esperte. E’ possibile prepararla e conservarla in freezer, cosi’ da riscaldare quando voleteL’estate e’ ottima se la prperarte con il pomodoro Continua a leggere..

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