Categoria selezionata: Basilicata


.blog Domains Are Now Available to Everyone!

Today’s the day! Now you can search for the .blog domain of your choice and associate it with your site. As we announced in May, the launch of .blog, a new top-level domain extension, means there are millions of easy-to-remember addresses now available for your website. Pricing for .blog domains will start at around Continua a leggere..

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Tips from a Web Designer: On Widgets, Themes, and Essential Tools

Web and marketing designer Matt Sweeny builds websites on for a range of clients, including a landscape and design service, a cheese company at holiday markets, a public relations firm for toy manufacturers and retailers, and an indie folk band. Here, Matt shares a bit about how — and why — he uses, Continua a leggere..

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Pettole pugliesi

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Evviva il fritto ! Avete voglia di Puglia in tavola, di ricordare le sagre estive che avete visitato durante le vacanze estive in Salento ?  Ragazzi ho dimenticato di scattare una foto alle pettole pugliesi gia’ fritte, anzi non ho fatto in tempo perche’ sono state divorate, gia’ durante la Continua a leggere..

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Panzerotti al forno

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Che ne dite di deliziarci con questi fantastici panzerotti al forno ?! Niente puzza di fritto in casa, niente preoccupazione che la frittura non venga bene e anche molto salutari. Il nostro fegato ci ringraziera ! Ma state tranquilli che anche il vostro palato fara’ i complimenti a questi squisiti Continua a leggere..

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Applications Now Open for Early ‘Landrush’ .blog Domains

If you’ve ever had a great idea for a name for your blog or website, now’s your chance to snap it up: today marks the start of the “Landrush” phase for the all-new .blog domain names. That means you can apply now to get early access to a .blog web address you love, before they Continua a leggere..

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Applications Open for Early ‘Landrush’ .blog Domains from Nov. 2-9

If you’ve ever had a great idea for a name for your blog or website, now’s your chance to snap it up: today marks the start of the “Landrush” phase for the all-new .blog domain names. That means you can apply now to get early access to a .blog web address you love, before they Continua a leggere..

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Field Notes: Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing

Automatticians, the people who build, participate in events and projects around the world every day. Periodically, we report back on the exciting things we do when not in front of a computer. I’d like to share some experiences from the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, where I was joined by my colleagues Continua a leggere..

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Rainbow cake – Torta arcobaleno

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Il mio piccolo Davide il 25 Ottobre ha compiuto 2 anni e ormai e’ diventato un simpaticone ed ha sempre in mano album e colori. Cosi’ ho pensato di stupirlo con una torta molto amata dai bambini e sinceramente anche da noi adulti !!! La Rainbow cake o torta arcobaleno Continua a leggere..

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Torta alla zucca senza burro

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Hallowen sta arrivando e ormai qui a Londra siamo invasi da zuche e streghe ! Infatti pasticcerie, supermercati, negozi di tutti i tipi vendono di tutto, gadget, dolci, magliette….. e soprattutto zucche di tutti i generi. Io ho scoperto la zucca come un ingrediente multiuso che ti permette di preparare Continua a leggere..

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Express Yourself with New WordPress Stickers for iOS and iMessage

The newest version of iOS for iPhone and iPad includes the ability to send stickers to your friends with the iMessage apps — and now you can share your love of WordPress with them, too! WordPress World is a free iMessage Sticker app for iOS 10, and it includes your favorite emotive Wapuus (the WordPress mascot), Drakes Continua a leggere..

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