Categoria selezionata: Basilicata


Torta alla zucca senza burro

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Hallowen sta arrivando e ormai qui a Londra siamo invasi da zuche e streghe ! Infatti pasticcerie, supermercati, negozi di tutti i tipi vendono di tutto, gadget, dolci, magliette….. e soprattutto zucche di tutti i generi. Io ho scoperto la zucca come un ingrediente multiuso che ti permette di preparare Continua a leggere..

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Express Yourself with New WordPress Stickers for iOS and iMessage

The newest version of iOS for iPhone and iPad includes the ability to send stickers to your friends with the iMessage apps — and now you can share your love of WordPress with them, too! WordPress World is a free iMessage Sticker app for iOS 10, and it includes your favorite emotive Wapuus (the WordPress mascot), Drakes Continua a leggere..

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Frollini al miele senza burro facilissimi

Follow my blog with Bloglovin I frollini al miele senza burro, con olio di semi di girasole, sono molto friabili; ottimi inzuppati nel latte ma anche molto buoni da mangiare come snack a tutte le ore. Il sapore e’ garantito. Read more… %%Follow my blog with Bloglovin%%

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A Faster Mobile Web: Updates for Accelerated Mobile Pages

Earlier this year we were proud to announce that users’s sites would automatically support Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) — a new open-source project spearheaded by Google to dramatically improve the performance of web pages on mobile devices. Now, here’s the big news: Google has just announced that it is bringing AMP pages to all Continua a leggere..

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Registering to Vote in the 2016 US Election Just Got Easier

It’s time! As a company whose mission is to democratize publishing, we believe strongly in helping everyone in our community make their voice heard regardless of their political affiliation. So we’ve teamed up with HelloVote to make it easy to register for the upcoming elections in the US — right here on Introducing a Continua a leggere..

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Attract More Visitors to Your Business Site with our Advanced SEO Tools

Today we are adding a new feature to our Business Plan that will make it easier for visitors to discover your site. Our new Advanced SEO tools will help you optimize your site for search engines and social media sharing. Let’s explore! Custom Meta Descriptions Typically, search engines will pull text from the post content to create a Continua a leggere..

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Community Recap: Automattic’s Worldwide WordPress 5K

From September 19 to September 26, we invited members of the WordPress community to join us in one of our favorite yearly traditions: the Automattic Worldwide WordPress 5K (open to runners, walkers, cyclists, and hikers — and any other type of ambulation). Here are some of the stories and photos people shared from their corner Continua a leggere..

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Torta al cioccolato senza burro con frosting alla ricotta

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Oggi presento la torta al cioccolato senza burro con frosting alla ricotta. Sui social si vedono sempre queste splendide torte ricche di frutti bosco, sembrano le torte delle favole. Cosi’ ho provato a preparane una utilizzando un velocissimo procedimento ed evitando di utilizzare il burro. Finalmente ho acquistato una teglia Continua a leggere..

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The Best of WordPress: September 2016

Hi everyone, it’s been a busy few weeks in the world of WordPress,, and Automattic, so I thought I’d share a roundup with all of you! Here’s a rundown: Welcome to WordPress We are proud to host the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative’s new Biohub, with a bold vision to  invest in science, technology and human Continua a leggere..

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Merendina alla nutella

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Le merendine alla nutella sono delle deliziose brioscine super veloci da preparare. Anche la cottura e’ molto sbrigativa, non piu’ di 10 minuti in forno e poi la nutella fa la sua parte !  Read more… %%Follow my blog with Bloglovin%%

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