Categoria selezionata: Basilicata


Field Notes: CMS Africa Summit

Automatticians, the people who build, participate in events and projects around the world every day. Periodically, they report back on the exciting things they do in the community. This year’s CMS Africa Summit was my third attendance at this amazing conference. My colleagues Marjorie, Sarah, Hannah, and Luminus joined me for the event and Continua a leggere..

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Biscotti arrotolati frolla e marmellata

I Biscotti arrotolati frolla e marmellata sono dei biscotti golosi e friabili, arricchiti da un cuore morbido e profumato della marmellata che più preferite. Semplicissimi da preparare ed irresistibili. Provateli perché piaceranno sicuramente anche a voi! x la pasta frolla: 500 g farina 00 3 uova 200 g zucchero 200 g burro 1/2 bustina lievito Continua a leggere..

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Biscotti Garibaldi

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Dopo quasi 5 anni in Great Britain ho scoperto che gli Inglesi per onorare la visita di Garibaldi, crearono un biscotto formato da 2 cialde croccanti senza zucchero ripieni di uvetta. Cosi’ che dopo aver acquistato diverse volte i biscotti Garibaldi in un supermercato ho deciso che avrei potuto prepararli Continua a leggere..

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New in Reader: Combined Cards

If you’ve ever followed a frequently updating site in Reader, you may have noticed a problem. When one of your followed sites goes on a posting streak, it can easily overwhelm your stream, causing you to miss posts from less frequent sites. Today we launched a new feature to alleviate this problem: Combined Cards. Now, when a site Continua a leggere..

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Save Your Favorite Images and Media on, Anytime

We’ve added a new media section to your dashboard, allowing you to bulk upload, edit, and tweak your media files. Let’s look at the changes: Upload Media in Bulk Add new items in bulk by going to Media → Add New to activate the file picker. You can also drag and drop items right Continua a leggere..

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A Few Tiny Steps Towards an Improved Writing Space at

Today we’re proud to unveil some design changes to the editor. It has the same great features you’ve come to expect, but with a cleaner, more refined experience — and a few new improvements, like a distraction-free writing mode. Welcome to our new distraction-free writing experience. We hope you enjoy it. To give you Continua a leggere..

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Risotto alle verdure di riciclo

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Quando non sia ha tanta fantasia e il giorno prima avete preparato un nutriente e buon brodo vegetale, potete dedicarvi alla preparazione di questo invitante risotto alle verdure e’ un ottima idea per consumare le verdure che avete in casa, per farle assaporare ai vostri bimbi e per presentare un Continua a leggere..

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Introducing for Google Docs: A New Way Forward for Collaborative Editing

We are happy to announce for Google Docs, a new add-on that lets you write, edit, and collaborate in Google Docs, then save it as a blog post on any or Jetpack-connected WordPress site. Your images and most formatting will carry over too. No more copy-and-paste headaches! To get started, just go to Continua a leggere..

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Your Stats Page, Updated

Sometimes it’s the little things that count — especially when it comes to your stats. We’ve recently gathered some of your feedback and used it to work through a few renovations. Let’s take a quick tour! Today First: Many of you wanted to make today’s stats a priority, with easy access to yesterday’s stats as well. So now Continua a leggere..

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Biscotti con farina di mais friabili e leggeri

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Che ne dite questo weekend di sperimentare i biscotti con farina di mais ?! E’ possibile prepararli con il burro o con l’olio di semi di girasole. Io gli ho provati in tutte e 2 le versioni e sono davvero ottimi, fragranti e friabili. Sono davveto gustosi sia inzuppati nel Continua a leggere..

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