Categoria selezionata: Basilicata


Focaccia Locanda Locatelli

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Ebbene si…. anche io da brava food blogger non potevo esimermi dal provare una delle ricette di focaccia che in questo momento imperversa di piu’ sui social: la ” focaccia locanda Locatelli”.  Read more… %%Follow my blog with Bloglovin%%

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New Theme: AltoFocus

Today we’re happy to announce the latest addition to our collection of free themes: AltoFocus! AltoFocus is a spinoff of the original AutoFocus theme from a few years ago. Its elegant tiled layout helps artists, photobloggers, and other creatives showcase their talents. Designed by Allan Cole, it highlights featured images in a way that engages readers and then gets Continua a leggere..

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The Best of in May

Hi everyone! Check out some of the new updates, designs, and insights that helped make May a great month for the community. What’s new How a Detroit Hackathon Turned into’s First-Ever TV Spots A team of developers launched new sites for small businesses in Detroit during a 48-hour Hackathon in February, an event Continua a leggere..

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Torta schiacciata ai lamponi e cioccolato bianco

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Oggi vi propongo una ricetta dolce, la torta schiacciata ai lamponi e cioccolato bianco.Pronti ?! Si prepara in un batter baleno ! La chiamo torta schiacciata perche’ cuocendola in una teglia rettangolare rimarra’ schiacciata !!!!! La mia torta schiacciata non ha un procedimento lungo e si sporcano pche coppe, soprattuto Continua a leggere..

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Launching: All New Media Picker for Android

There’s this… thing… in the Android WordPress app that we refer to as the “seven-item menu.” It would show up when trying to add a photo to confront you with a list of choices and we confess, we couldn’t always remember what option we wanted, either. As of the 7.3 release, the seven-item menu is Continua a leggere..

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Warning: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead in /membri/silviarosa80/silviarosa80/wp-content/plugins/shortcodes/modules/youtube.php on line 81 Follow my blog with Bloglovin Pin It Continua a leggere… %%Follow my blog with Bloglovin%%

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Torta ai tre cioccolati e latte caldo

Follow my blog with Bloglovin La torta ai tre cioccolato e latte caldo e’ il risultato di un esperimento che mi ha stupito ! Ho preparato la torta seguendo la ricetta della torta al latte caldo che imperversa sul web ! La mia torta e’ di veloce’ esecuzione, soffice e davvero golosa, ho diviso l’impasto Continua a leggere..

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Inclusive Illustrations, By Design

I like to think that designers solve problems, while artists ask questions. And when the two go hand-in-hand, real magic happens. Why? Because the right question gets answered with the right solution — art asks, and design responds. Here at Automattic we were extremely fortunate to recently get to partner with independent artist and designer Continua a leggere..

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Biscotti con patata dolce e cioccolato fondente

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Oggi vi presento la ricetta dei biscotti soffici con patata dolce e cioccolato fondente. L’obiettivo e’ preparare sempre dei biscotti golosi per i bambini, ma anche per noi adulti, facendo attenzione ai grassi e agli zuccheri ! Read more… %%Follow my blog with Bloglovin%%

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The Best of in April

You’re off to a strong creative start in 2017! Here are a few recent updates and stories from the community in April that we wanted to share with you. What’s new This Year’s WordPress Default Theme, Twenty Seventeen, Is Now Available “Great looking theme!” – Jason Thornberry Independent Publisher 2 Is Here The Independent Publisher Continua a leggere..

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