Tag Archives: VR

Introducing VR and 360° Content for All WordPress.com Sites

Virtual Reality is coming to WordPress.com! As of today, you can create and publish your own VR content on any WordPress.com site, starting with 360° photos and 360° videos (beta), and you can view regular photos and panoramas in VR. Our goal is to make publishing VR content as simple as publishing text or photos to Continua a leggere..

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Introducing VR and 360° Content for All WordPress.com Sites

Virtual Reality is coming to WordPress.com! As of today, you can create and publish your own VR content on any WordPress.com site, starting with 360° photos and 360° videos (beta), and you can view regular photos and panoramas in VR. Our goal is to make publishing VR content as simple as publishing text or photos to Continua a leggere..

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Introducing VR and 360° Content for All WordPress.com Sites

Virtual Reality is coming to WordPress.com! As of today, you can create and publish your own VR content on any WordPress.com site, starting with 360° photos and 360° videos (beta), and you can view regular photos and panoramas in VR. Our goal is to make publishing VR content as simple as publishing text or photos to Continua a leggere..

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Azienda agricola Pernigo: olio Extra Vergine Deorum

Via Guglielmo Marconi, 20 – 37023 Grezzana (VR) www.pernigo.it “Non sono mai gli eventi a produrre la felicità, ma la nostra attitudine verso di essi”  – E. Pierrakos – Tra le splendide colline veronesi, 38 ettari di terra amorevolmente custodita e coltivata secondo metodi tradizionali. Lì risiede l’azienda agricola di Andrea Pernigo, che grazie alle Continua a leggere..

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Vetrina dell’Amarone Classico e Palio del Recioto

Il 19 e 20 Marzo si è svolta a Novare (VR), nell’incantevole Villa Mosconi Bertani, la prima edizione di “Vetrina dell’Amarone” ,  un evento promosso dall’Assessorato al Turismo, Cultura e Istruzione del Comune di Negrar (VR) e organizzato dall’Agenzia Iantra. Si tratta di un’iniziativa collaterale allo storico “Palio del Recioto” che per la prima volta quest’anno, dopo Continua a leggere..

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