Tag Archives: URL
I PEPERONI RIPIENI AL FORNO sono un piatto unico goloso, facile ed economico, che vede protagonista un ortaggio versatile e gustoso che si presta a mille farciture diverse. Oggi vi propongo una ricetta tipica palermitana che, oltre al classico pangrattato “/redirect.php?URL=atturrato” cioè lievemente tostato e al profumo mediterraneo di aglio, basilico e prezzemolo, prevede un Continua a leggere..
LA TORTA FEDORA , bellissima esteticamente e buonissima al gusto, è tipica della Sicilia Orientale, soprattutto a Catania ma poco conosciuta nel resto della Sicilia. E’ un dolce sontuoso, “/redirect.php?URL=Barocco e Spagnoleggiante” come amo definire la mia Terra, ridonante quasi quanto la più celebre CASSATA . «È una torta molto semplice, che si fa con tutti Continua a leggere..
La PASTA CON CECI E COZZE è un primo gustoso e “antico” . E’ un primo piatto tipico della tradizione delle città marinare, soprattutto tra Campania e Puglia . Di certo questo piatto racchiude il massimo gusto in pochissimi ingredienti, tra i quali spiccano i ceci, un legume molto buono e versatile in cucina e le cozze, un Continua a leggere..
Create a Stellar Resume Using Any WordPress.com Theme
If one of your 2024 goals is to take your career to the next level, it’s worth taking a hard look at your resume. In a world where bots are scanning resumes for keywords, doing something unique—like creating a website just for your resume—is perhaps risky, but can help you stand out from the pack. Continua a leggere..
Create a Stellar Resume Using Any WordPress.com Theme
If one of your 2024 goals is to take your career to the next level, it’s worth taking a hard look at your resume. In a world where bots are scanning resumes for keywords, doing something unique—like creating a website just for your resume—is perhaps risky, but can help you stand out from the pack. Continua a leggere..
Create a Stellar Resume Using Any WordPress.com Theme
If one of your 2024 goals is to take your career to the next level, it’s worth taking a hard look at your resume. In a world where bots are scanning resumes for keywords, doing something unique—like creating a website just for your resume—is perhaps risky, but can help you stand out from the pack. Continua a leggere..
Create a Stellar Resume Using Any WordPress.com Theme
If one of your 2024 goals is to take your career to the next level, it’s worth taking a hard look at your resume. In a world where bots are scanning resumes for keywords, doing something unique—like creating a website just for your resume—is perhaps risky, but can help you stand out from the pack. Continua a leggere..
Create a Stellar Resume Using Any WordPress.com Theme
If one of your 2024 goals is to take your career to the next level, it’s worth taking a hard look at your resume. In a world where bots are scanning resumes for keywords, doing something unique—like creating a website just for your resume—is perhaps risky, but can help you stand out from the pack. Continua a leggere..
Create a Stellar Resume Using Any WordPress.com Theme
If one of your 2024 goals is to take your career to the next level, it’s worth taking a hard look at your resume. In a world where bots are scanning resumes for keywords, doing something unique—like creating a website just for your resume—is perhaps risky, but can help you stand out from the pack. Continua a leggere..
Create a Stellar Resume Using Any WordPress.com Theme
If one of your 2024 goals is to take your career to the next level, it’s worth taking a hard look at your resume. In a world where bots are scanning resumes for keywords, doing something unique—like creating a website just for your resume—is perhaps risky, but can help you stand out from the pack. Continua a leggere..