Tag Archives: Privacy Policy

Ebook: Come fare il Lievito Madre in casa

EBOOK: Come fare il Lievito Madre in casa SCARICA SUBITO Scrivi il tuo indirizzo email per ricevere il ricettario Confermo di aver letto e accettato la Privacy Policy Scopri come preparare il tuo lievito madre in casa con la nostra guida semplice e dettagliata! Segui passo dopo passo il procedimento per ottenere un lievito naturale Continua a leggere..

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Ricettario Pizze e Focacce

Le focacce sono un simbolo della cucina italiana, un piatto semplice ma versatile che riesce a conquistare chiunque, dal più raffinato dei buongustai al più semplice degli amanti del cibo casalingo. Questo ricettario è un invito a scoprire l’arte di preparare focacce fragranti e irresistibili, dalle ricette più tradizionali a quelle più innovative. RICETTARIO FOCACCE Continua a leggere..

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Aggiornamento delle politiche sulla privacy

Cari amici,   probabilmente in questi giorni state ricevendo milioni di mail con tema “Aggiornamento Privacy”. Vi chiedo di tollerare anche questo mio post visto che, a partire da oggi 25 maggio, entra in vigore il nuovo Regolamento UE 2016/679 (GDPR) in materia di protezione dei dati personali. So che come minimo, dopo tanto tempo, Continua a leggere..

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New Privacy Features and Updated Policies

We’re rolling out updates to our privacy features and policies in the coming weeks. You’ll have more control over your personal information and more detail on what information we keep and what we do with it. The updates will also make sure we comply with new privacy laws, and will help you do the same Continua a leggere..

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New Privacy Features and Updated Policies

We’re rolling out updates to our privacy features and policies in the coming weeks. You’ll have more control over your personal information and more detail on what information we keep and what we do with it. The updates will also make sure we comply with new privacy laws, and will help you do the same Continua a leggere..

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New Privacy Features and Updated Policies

We’re rolling out updates to our privacy features and policies in the coming weeks. You’ll have more control over your personal information and more detail on what information we keep and what we do with it. The updates will also make sure we comply with new privacy laws, and will help you do the same Continua a leggere..

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New Privacy Features and Updated Policies

We’re rolling out updates to our privacy features and policies in the coming weeks. You’ll have more control over your personal information and more detail on what information we keep and what we do with it. The updates will also make sure we comply with new privacy laws, and will help you do the same Continua a leggere..

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New Privacy Features and Updated Policies

We’re rolling out updates to our privacy features and policies in the coming weeks. You’ll have more control over your personal information and more detail on what information we keep and what we do with it. The updates will also make sure we comply with new privacy laws, and will help you do the same Continua a leggere..

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Updated Privacy Policy

As part of our commitment to privacy and transparency, we’re updating our Privacy Policy. We want to give you more and clearer information about how we collect and use personal information — in a more organized and readable format. Your privacy is critically important to us. These are the first words of our Privacy Policy, Continua a leggere..

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Updated Privacy Policy

As part of our commitment to privacy and transparency, we’re updating our Privacy Policy. We want to give you more and clearer information about how we collect and use personal information — in a more organized and readable format. Your privacy is critically important to us. These are the first words of our Privacy Policy, Continua a leggere..

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