Tag Archives: Erika


Un viaggio nel buongusto e nella tradizione culinaria dell’entroterra genovese. E’ questa la recensione che Erika Falone, cronista radiotelevisiva, ha voluto regalare a Zena a Toua abbandonando per un attimo il microfono ed impugnando, con altrettanta competenza, la forchetta. Erika Falone Dall’azzurro di Bogliasco al verde delle colline di Molassana. E’ la storia dello chef  Continua a leggere..

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A glimpse on ‘When in Venice’.

Here I am with the review of‘When in Venice‘, a website on guidedtours in charming Venezia, the city where I studied and worked for over 10 years andwhere I left a piece of my heart. Every time I go backto Venice I feel strong emotions: it’s a mix ofnostalgiafor the past – a part of Continua a leggere..

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My new Foodie tools

The MTW January Contest expired, proclaimingtwo winners! I will soon review their web pages as a prize for guessing right some of my new foodie tools. So nowit’s time to revealwhat foodie presents did I find under my Christmas tree… Curious? As I told you before, I think that recieving perfumed soaps, woollen socks, pad Continua a leggere..

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