Tag Archives: BO

Fragole al limone

Le fragole sono uno dei miei frutti preferiti: le coltivo nel mio piccolo orticello, ma ora è ancora presto, stanno fiorendo e ci vorrà ancora un po’ per raccoglierle. Nell’attesa, le ordino assieme ad altra frutta e verdura dall’Azienda Agricola Biologica Luciana De Franceschi di Anzola dell’Emilia (BO). Il sapore di una fragola appena staccata Continua a leggere..

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Parking in Bologna: where to park your car and not get a ticket

Are you coming to Bologna by car?Greta won’t love you, but if you park in the right place without wandering around and getting a ticket, we can make her happier. ​Here are my suggestions to park in Bologna and avoid tickets in the relentless ZTL (traffic limited zone). The Traffic Limited Zone (Ztl): if you Continua a leggere..

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10 essential libraries you have to visit in Emilia Romagna

If there’s a place where you can find me after a food tour, this is a library. An oasis of silence in the desert of noise, to rest and recharge. ​Emilia Romagna is full of beautiful and hidden libraries. Here’s a list of my favorite ones to put on your travel list. Sala Borsa, Bologna Continua a leggere..

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Streaming Bo Full Movie

Streaming Bo (2010) films complets. Bo peut être Regarder pour vous inscrire gratuitement. Regarder Bo avec la qualité HD. Êtes-vous un fanatique de movie? Ça va Ça devrait être supérieur devriez vous être être capable de obtenir et de regarder votre alternative de film à tout moment, n’importe où. Les téléchargements en ligne film ont Continua a leggere..

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Taste Bologna awards 2018

I’ve found my best food of 2018 in a Spanish taverna and in a Michelin star near Bologna.It was served with a brioche in a tiny Sicilian bar and with a wasabi root in a old Slovenian buffet.​But to find the best I had to dig a hole in a volcano. #5 Regalito de Torito Continua a leggere..

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Buongiorno, ospito nel mio blog una nuova azienda e nuovi prodotti; nello specifico oggi parliamo di materie plastiche come allumino, carta forno, pellicola ecc.Cotti Packacing alimentari  produce dal lontano 1975  Rotoli di film in alluminio,  Rotoli pellicola, Rotoli carta forno,  Sacchetti in polietilene. L’ azienda in questi anni si è rinnovata ed ha cercato di soddisfare ogni tipo di Continua a leggere..

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When Anthony Bourdain was in Bologna

He hated brunch and loved Negroni.Visited 120 countries and ate in best and worst places on the planet.He was a TV star, but he always said his truth about food. Anthony Bourdain visited Bologna and Emilia Romagna in 2012 for his show No reservations.He won’t come again but he left us a great document about Continua a leggere..

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Domenica 11 Marzo 2018: Festival dell’anolino

Dopo una prima edizione davvero molto fortunata, torna anche quest’anno il Festival dell’Anolino di Fiorenzuola. Fiorenzuola – Città della Gastronomia Fiorenzuola è una delle 12 Città della Gastronomia dell’Emilia Romagna insieme a Cesenatico (FC), Roncofreddo (FC), Bagno di Romagna (FC), Russi (RA), Argenta (FE), Bologna, Valsamoggia (BO), Bomporto (MO), Parma (dal 2015 “Città Creativa per la Continua a leggere..

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Tortellino Festival: who makes the best tortellini in Bologna?

Andrea, where I can have the best tortellini in Bologna? I can’t remember how many times I’ve heard this question, but all the times I give a very vague answer. The truth is I usually don’t order tortellini at the restaurant. If you still haven’t left the website I explain the reason: tortellini for me and Continua a leggere..

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Mangirò: the perfect walk for foodies

A walk under the sun in July? Too tiring? And if I tell you that you can drink and eat delicacies prepared by some of Bologna’s most famous chefs, made with prime ingredients, and walk and rest between lavender and wheat fields and old farmhouses? I bet you’ve already changed your mind.  It’s quite common Continua a leggere..

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