Categoria selezionata: Friuli Venezia Giulia

Friuli Venezia Giulia

New Theme: Twenty Nineteen

We’re pleased to announce that Twenty Nineteen — the new WordPress default theme designed by Allan Cole and Kjell Reigstad — is available to all sites. Twenty Nineteen was designed with simple but sophisticated typography and a pared-down, open aesthetic, making it a great foundation for a variety of websites. It also fully supports Continua a leggere..

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Lemon Crinkle Cookies: regali di Natale da mangiare

Crinkle cookies vi spiego come prepararli e trasformarli in un perfetto dono Natalizio Quali sono i biscotti perfetti da regalare a Natale? Ma naturalmente i Lemon Crinkle cookies, non sono solo biscotti, ma quasi dei pasticcini con un cuore morbido e delle caratteristiche crepe croccanti in superficie.  Sono molto semplici da fare, come preparare una Continua a leggere..

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Now Available in the Mobile Apps: Revision History

The ability to load a previous version of a page or post is invaluable when you need to make a quick correction or compare your current revision to earlier ones. What about viewing your content’s revision history on the go? This can be a real life-saver, as we’re not always at our desktops. Well, we’re Continua a leggere..

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Announcing Free .blog Subdomains

Over the last thirteen years or so, the number of sites on has grown — a lot. Every one of those sites gets a unique address. And since there are millions of sites created each year, it means the address you’d like isn’t always available. Today, a whole new range of possibility opens up: Continua a leggere..

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Danubio dolce alla zucca

Danubio dolce alla zucca, pane dolce alla zucca, pan brioche alla zucca, buchteln, chiamatelo come volete il risultato non cambia, una nuvoletta soffice,  soffice da gustare a colazione pucciata nel cappuccino, o a merenda con un filo di marmellata o perché no anche un po’ di nutella. La zucca è ancora la regina della stagione Continua a leggere..

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WordPress Support Workshops for Women in the Asia-Pacific Region

Automattic wants to build a new web, and a new type of workplace.  We want to deliver world-class 24/7 support to our users, and an innovative, exciting, and healthy work environment for our staff worldwide. As a part of  this, we recruit from all timezones so that everyone has the freedom to choose their own Continua a leggere..

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Setting Up Your Site on a Mobile Device Just Got a Lot Easier

Starting a new website is always exciting: you’ve chosen a topic, found the right name, and started building it on Now you may be asking yourself, “What’s next?” Well, when you create a site on the WordPress for Android or WordPress for iOS mobile apps, the answer will became a lot easier with the Continua a leggere..

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A New Way to Manage Your Pages on the WordPress Mobile Apps

We’ve made a small change to the WordPress mobile apps to make it easier for you to navigate and edit your pages. In previous versions of WordPress for iOS and Android, your pages were ordered by the date they were created as opposed to what your actual page hierarchy looks like on your website. Users Continua a leggere..

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Today is Election Day in the United States. Please Vote!

A few weeks ago we announced our partnership with voter-registration initiative TurboVote Challenge. Well, today is the day! From coast to coast, voters in the United States head to the polls for the 2018 midterm election. Hopefully, by now you’ve made a plan to get to the polls. If you have any questions about your Continua a leggere..

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Introducing Activity

Knowing what’s going on behind the scenes of your site is key to engagement and security.  Who published a post? What comments need to be approved? When was a plugin activated or deactivated? What images were added to a specific page? Now, there’s a new tab in where you can see all your site’s Continua a leggere..

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