Tag Archives: SMOKED
LINGUINE SQUID INK WITH PESTO AND SCOTTISH SMOKED SALMON – Linguine al nero di seppia con pesto e salmone affumicato scozzese

Ingredients for 4 people400 grams of linguine with squid ink160 grams of smoked salmon2 tablespoons basil pesto prepared beforeOrigansalt, black pepper MethodCut the salmon into strips and keep aside. In a pot of boiling water, cook the linguine. A obtained cooking, drain and put in a bowl with the salmon and oregano. Mix well then Continua a leggere..
PICI PASTA WITH SOUR CREAM, SMOKED SALMON AND LEEKS – Pici con panna acida, salmone affumicato e porri

Pici are a Tuscan pasta shape very similar to bucatini … but without the hole. With sour cream and a good smoked salmon are the greatest. Ingredients for 4 people400 grams of pasta pici (alternatively bucatini)a sour cream of excellent quality jar100 grams of smoked Scottish salmon1 leek Cerveresalt, black pepperMethodCut the leeks, wash and Continua a leggere..
DUMPLINGS WITH SEIRASS DEL FEN CHEESE AND SMOKED SCOTTISH SALMON – Gnocchi con seirass del fen e salmone affumicato

A simple dish, but tasty and genuine ingredients. Ingredients for 4 people600 grams of potato dumplings300 grams of cottage cheese seirass the fen120 grams of smoked Scottish salmonsalt, black pepperOriganMethodIn a bowl, chop with a fork tines seirass of the fen. Cut the salmon into thin strips and mix well. If the mixture becomes too Continua a leggere..
HOMEMADE RAVIOLONI OF GORGONZOLA AND CERVER’S LEEKS WITH SMOKED SALMON – Ravioloni fatti in casa al gorgonzola e porro Cervere con salmone affumicato

The homemade ravioli of absolute goodness. Ingredients for 4 people:for ravioli:300 grams of durum wheat semolina flour3 organic eggs1 tablespoon oil2 tablespoons watersalt For the stuffing160 grams of Gorgonzola palzolahalf a leek Cervere1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheesesaltFor the dressing100 grams of Scottish smoked salmon20 grams of butter6 sage leavesMethodIn a mixer, put all the ingredients Continua a leggere..
GOLDEN PAPPARDELLE WITH SCOTTISH SMOKED SALMON – Pappardelle "dorate" con salmone affumicato scozzese

Colourful, fresh, fragrant … solar! :-) Ingredients for 4 people320 grams of pappardelle120 grams of Scottish smoked salmon120 ml of cooking cream (for those not very experienced better that dense)2 High-quality saffron sachetsdried oregano10 grams of buttersalt MethodCut the salmon into not very large pieces In a bowl, melt the saffron in a little water Continua a leggere..
ROBIOLA WITH ROSE JAM LAVENDER AND SMOKED SALMON SOCKEYE CHINOOK – Robiola con salsa di rosa, lavanda e salmone scozzese affumicato.

In this recipe I have used 3 of the 5 elements of “traditional Chinese medicine), namely: Dolce (jam with roses), salty (salmon) and acid (Robiola). As has now become important to approach this philosophy to become is evident. Ingredients for 4 people200 grams of smoked sockeye salmon chinook200 grams of fresh Robiola4 teaspoons of jam Continua a leggere..
SFORMATO WITH POTATOES, SMOKED PROVOLA AND HAM. Sformato con provola affumicata, patate e prosciutto cotto

hearty, calorie rich but delicious beyond belief. It could also be excellent as brunch.ingredients800 grams of potatoes150 grams of smoked cheese150 grams of cooked ham with herbs2 organic eggs20 grams of butterbread crumbssalt, black pepper MethodBeat the eggs in a bowl. Boil the potatoes in a pressure cooker, then peel and mash the potato masher Continua a leggere..
HOMEMADE REGINETTE WITH ROBIOLA.CREAM AND SMOKED SALMON – Reginette fatte in casa con crema di robiola e salmone affumicato

Exquisite Reginette whole spelled, with a special dressing. Ingredients for 4 people:for pasta100 grams of whole spelled flour20 grams of flour type 001 organic egg1 tablespoon oil2 tablespoons watersalt for the condiment140 grams of Robiola10 basil leaves100 grams of smoked Scottish salmon1 teaspoon of chestnut honey1 teaspoon dried oregano MethodIn a bowl put the Robiola, Continua a leggere..
SMOKED SWORDFISH ROLLS STUFFED WITH FETA, GRAPE JUICE AND SEEDS OF ANISE. – Involtini di pesce spada affumicato con feta, succo d’uva e semi di anice

A delicate appetizer, fresh, tasty. A combination of really gradovele flavors for the palate. Ingredients for 4 people:200 grams of smoked swordfish20 white grapes “Queen”.200 grams of greek feta cheese1 teaspoon of dried anise seedsextra virgin olive oil, salt, pepperMethodCrumbled feta in a bowl. Halve the grapes, then put the pulp in a blender and Continua a leggere..