Tag Archives: Singapore
Field Notes: WooCommerce Workshop for Women
Automatticians, the people who build WordPress.com, participate in events and projects around the world every day. Periodically, they report back on the exciting things they do in the community. Members of Automattic’s Happiness team have traveled to Southeast Asia three times since last September to meet people in communities across the region. Our goal? To Continua a leggere..
Field Notes: WooCommerce Workshop for Women
Automatticians, the people who build WordPress.com, participate in events and projects around the world every day. Periodically, they report back on the exciting things they do in the community. Members of Automattic’s Happiness team have traveled to Southeast Asia three times since last September to meet people in communities across the region. Our goal? To Continua a leggere..
Field Notes: WooCommerce Workshop for Women
Automatticians, the people who build WordPress.com, participate in events and projects around the world every day. Periodically, they report back on the exciting things they do in the community. Members of Automattic’s Happiness team have traveled to Southeast Asia three times since last September to meet people in communities across the region. Our goal? To Continua a leggere..
Canestrelli alle Acciughe
In Cina, così come a Singapore dove lei vive, il 2017 è l'anno del Gallo. Ma stando a quante ricette della Old Fashioned Lady sono state rifatte dal 1 Gennaio ad oggi, credo di poter affermare con certezza che in tutto il resto del mondo il 2017 è l'anno della Van Pelt. Il web è… Continua a leggere..
Riso buono vola in Asia
L’Artemide ed il Carnaroli Gran Riserva protagonisti a Singapore ed Hong Kong Riso Buono è atterrato in Asia, confezionato nelle sue giare in vetro, per prendere parte a due importanti appuntamenti. Il primo è con FoodAsia 2016 (www.foodnhotelasia.com/foodasia2016), all’interno di Singapore Expo, dove dal 12 al 15 aprile sarà presente con i suoi Risi: il Continua a leggere..