Tag Archives: Mercato Albinelli

5 Food markets you should visit in Italy

From North to South, you find a food market in every dusty corner of Italy. Indoor, open air, liberty, temporary, gourmet, gentrified, dirty, harsh, noisy. Surely never boring. ​This is my selection of the 5 best food markets I’ve met during my food trips. Quadrilatero, Bologna Bologna is a market. It was in the past Continua a leggere..

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Somebody feed Phil in Modena, guess who?

It happened again. This time in Modena. This time on Netflix. This time with Phil Rosenthal.After BBC episode with Rick Stein in Bologna, I ended up working for Netflix show Somebody feed Phil.​The episode in Northern Italy was shot in September 2017, and me and Caterina, my food guide in Modena, were that somebody. Join us behind Continua a leggere..

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Everything you need to know about The Food of Modena

It took a while but it’s here. After 3 years of tasting in Bologna, it’s time to look forward to a new adventure. “The food of Modena” is a brand new food tour in Modena born with with the passion and love of all the people around Taste Bologna which I can only thank for being Continua a leggere..

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