Tag Archives: Haruki Murakami

Crostata alla panna cotta con fragole…e la consapevolezza

Conoscere la verità regala all’uomo la giusta forza. Qualunque sia la verità. Haruki Murakami “Qualunque sia la verità”, proprio così, alle volte è talmente dura e difficile da accettare, che sembra impossibile da credere, ti apre gli occhi, ti colpisce e fa male, ma con il tempo, trovi la forza per andare avanti e soprattutto Continua a leggere..

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The Best of WordPress.com: Summer Edition

Hi everyone! Here’s a snapshot of some of the excellent WordPress.com community advice, insights, and updates that we enjoyed over the past month. What’s new Introducing Your New Social Icons Widget The Social Icons Widget allows you to connect your site to your favorite social media networks. You can activate it by going to My Continua a leggere..

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The Best of WordPress.com: Summer Edition

Hi everyone! Here’s a snapshot of some of the excellent WordPress.com community advice, insights, and updates that we enjoyed over the past month. What’s new Introducing Your New Social Icons Widget The Social Icons Widget allows you to connect your site to your favorite social media networks. You can activate it by going to My Continua a leggere..

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The Best of WordPress.com: Summer Edition

Hi everyone! Here’s a snapshot of some of the excellent WordPress.com community advice, insights, and updates that we enjoyed over the past month. What’s new Introducing Your New Social Icons Widget The Social Icons Widget allows you to connect your site to your favorite social media networks. You can activate it by going to My Continua a leggere..

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The Best of WordPress.com: Summer Edition

Hi everyone! Here’s a snapshot of some of the excellent WordPress.com community advice, insights, and updates that we enjoyed over the past month. What’s new Introducing Your New Social Icons Widget The Social Icons Widget allows you to connect your site to your favorite social media networks. You can activate it by going to My Continua a leggere..

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