Tag Archives: HAM
Il mio Ham Burger

Per la serie ” a volte ritornano ” oggi dopo un periodo di assenza dal blog ritorno con una ricetta del tutto americana che non ha bisogno di troppe presentazioni : L’ hamburger !!Lo street food americano per eccellenza, quella polpetta di carne infilata in mezzo ad un panino godurioso ricco di salsine ed altre cose.Finalmente dopo vari Continua a leggere..
HOMEMADE CANNELLONI WITH CAULIFLOWER, MUSHROOMS AND HAM – Cannelloni fatti in casa con cavolfiore, funghi e prosciutto

ingredients:for cannelloni200 grams of spelled flour100 grams of durum wheat semolina flour3 organic eggs1 tablespoon oil2 tablespoons watersalt for the stuffing400 grams of sauce prepared before1 cauliflower12 button mushrooms100 grams of cheese montasio100 grams of cooked hamsalt, parsleyMethodBegin preparing the dough. In a mixer, put all the ingredients needed to make the dough and knead Continua a leggere..

Ingredients for 4 people:fondue set:300 grams of fontina val d’Aosta dop250 grams of milk40 grams of butter3 yolks of organic eggssalt, black pepperfor lasagna yellow orange120 grams of flour type 180 grams of durum wheat semolina flour2 organic eggs1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil2 tablespoons waterhalf a tablespoon of tomato paste For the stuffing2 tablespoons Continua a leggere..
PASTA MATTA WITH HOMEMADE TAGLIOLINI, BESCIAMELLA, PESTO, MONTASIO AND HAM – Pasta matta con tagliolini fatti in casa e besciamella, montasio, pesto e prosciutto

Ingredients for 4 peoplefor mad dough to whole spelled and corn flour100 grams of whole spelled flour25 grams of corn flour10 grams of oil70 grams of cold sparkling water2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar2 grams of pink salt for noodles80 grams of durum wheat semolina flour20 grams of whole spelled flour1 organic egg1 tablespoon oil1 Continua a leggere..
TIMBALE OF NOODLES WITH SCAMORZA, HAM, WITH LEEK SAUCE – Timballo di tagliolini con scamorza, prosciutto e salsa ai porri

Ingredients for 4 peoplefor the shell of the pie200 grams of flour type 150 grams of semolina flour2 organic egg yolks30 grams of buttersalt, black pepperfor the stuffing250 grams of egg noodles pasta50 grams of smoked cheese3 tablespoons of bechamel100 grams of cooked hamsalt For the sauce200 ml of sauce1 pre boiled leek MethodIn a Continua a leggere..
CAULIFLOWER AU GRATIN WITH NOSTRALE OF ONCINO CHEESE, RACLETTE, HAM AND CREAM – Cavolfiore al gratin con nostrale di oncino, raclette, panna e prosciutto cotto

Ingredients for 4 people about1 cauliflower not very big200 grams of raclette cheese150 grams of cooked ham100 ml of cream4 tablespoons breadcrumbs50 grams of cheese Nostrale Oncino20 grams of buttersalt, black pepper MethodPeel the cauliflower removing leaves. Cook it in a pressure cooker. When it is ready, cut it into pieces not very big and Continua a leggere..
CAULIFLOWER AU GRATIN WITH RASCHERA CHEESE, CERVERE’S LEEK AND RAW PARMA HAM. – Cavolfiore gratinato con formaggio Raschera, porro Cervere e prosciutto crudo di Parma

A dish full of flavors unique taste. Fast enough to do, scented, absolutely fantastic. Ingredients1 very large white cauliflower200 grams of Raschera150 grams of Parma ham400 ml of sauce prepared before2 Cervere’s leeksgrated Parmesan cheese, bread crumbssalt and pepper MethodBlanch the leeks for 10 minutes in hot water. Peel the cauliflower, wash it and put Continua a leggere..

Let us start with the recipes with tasty leek Cervere.Ingredients for 4 people4 leeks Cervere4 yolks of organic eggs1 glass of low-fat milk200 grams of ham with herbs200 grams of cheese raschera2 blacks truffles1 teaspoon dried chervil4 tablespoons of sauce4 tablespoons breadcrumbs4 tablespoons grated cheese Valgrana (alternatively grana padano)butter MethodTrim the leeks from the top Continua a leggere..
BRASATO RAVIOLI WITH REDUCTION OF ARNEIS WINE, CREAM, HAM AND PEAS – Ravioli al brasato con riduzione al vino arneis, panna, prosciutto e piselli

A traditional recipe with the addition of a tasty reduction Arneis wine, very welcome.Ingredients for 4 people600 grams of ravioli with braised200 ml of cream150 grams of cooked ham120 grams of peas previously boiled1 ladle of vegetable brothfor the reduction1 glass of white wine Arneis1 heaping tablespoon of flour20 grams of butter1 ladle of vegetable Continua a leggere..
PIZZA ALTA OF SPELT WITH PARMA RAW HAM, GRANA PADANO, MUSHROOMS AND BAKED IN TRAY.- Pizza alta di farro con prosciutto crudo di Parma, grana padano e funghi cotta in teglia

Simple but wonderfully good !! Ingredients for 4 people about 350 grams of spelled flour 150 grams of flour type 2 12 grams of dried yeast 320 grams of sparkling water 15 grams of extra virgin olive oil 10 grams of salt For the dressing 150 grams of ham 12 button mushrooms grana padano shavings Continua a leggere..