Tag Archives: GORGONZOLA

HOMEMADE RAVIOLONI OF GORGONZOLA AND CERVER’S LEEKS WITH SMOKED SALMON – Ravioloni fatti in casa al gorgonzola e porro Cervere con salmone affumicato

The homemade ravioli of absolute goodness. Ingredients for 4 people:for ravioli:300 grams of durum wheat semolina flour3 organic eggs1 tablespoon oil2 tablespoons watersalt For the stuffing160 grams of Gorgonzola palzolahalf a leek Cervere1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheesesaltFor the dressing100 grams of Scottish smoked salmon20 grams of butter6 sage leavesMethodIn a mixer, put all the ingredients Continua a leggere..

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CARPACCIO CHAUD-FROID WITH GORGONZOLA AND RACLETTE SAUCE AND CERVERE’S LEEKS – Carpaccio caldo freddo con salsa al gorgonzola e raclette e porro Cervere

An attractive dish, but very delicate. Among other things also very quick to do.Ingredients for 4 people16 slices of meat for carpaccio of Fassone2 leeks cervere15 grams of buttersalt and pepper For the sauce100 grams of sweet gorgonzola100 grams of raclettehalf a glass of waternutmeg MethodTrim the leeks, cut into pieces not very large and Continua a leggere..

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VAL VARAITA RAVIOLE WITH GORGONZOLA CREAM, CERVERE’S LEEK AND BLACK TRUFFLES – Raviole della Val Varaita con crema al gorgonzola, porro Cervere e tartufo nero.

Another delicious recipe with ingredients from the Cuneo area (apart from the gorgonzola). Fragrant, flavorful, absolutely delicious.Ingredients for 4 people600 grams of raviole Val Varaita200 grams of Gorgonzola Palzola2 tablespoons cream1 leek Cervere1 black trufflesagesalt, black pepperMethodClean and wash the leeks, drain it well then boil it in a pot for about 15 minutes. In Continua a leggere..

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HOMEMADE GNOCCHI WITH GORGONZOLA AND WALNUTS SAUCE – Gnocchi fatti in casa con salsa al gorgonzola

A funny dish to make as well as good and mostly healthy.Ingredients for 4 people:For the dumplings250 grams of potatoes60 grams of flour type 230 grams of semolina1 organic eggsalt, nutmegFor the condiment150 grams of Gorgonzola palzola2 tablespoons cream12 shelled walnutsfresh sagesalt, black pepper MethodCook the potatoes in a pressure pot.When they are ready, peel, Continua a leggere..

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Ingredienti: 250g bigoli di pasta fresca, 200g sedano a rondelle, 80g cipolla tritata, 60ml vino rosso, 180g gorgonzola a cubetti, olio, sale, pepe Appassire la cipolla con il sedano in 4 cucchiai d’olio e una presa di sale, per 10 minuti, a fiamma bassa e con il coperchio; innaffiare con il vino rosso, mettere nuovamente Continua a leggere..

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SHORT PASTA WITH NAPOLETAN MEAT SAUCE AND GORGONZOLA – Pasta corta con ragout alla napoletana e gorgonzola

I realize that we should not do it, (combined with more animal protein animal fat !!) but yesterday I wanted to eat something really delicious and I are prepared.Ingredients for 4 peoplefor the sauce Neapolitan:800 grams of minced beefmeat minced pork ribs 61 yellow onion1 liter of tomato sauce200 ml of red wine1 tablespoon tomato Continua a leggere..

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SCOTTISH SMOKED SALMON ROLLS STUFFED WITH GORGONZOLA AND KIWI – Rotolini di salmone affumicato scozzesi ripieni di gorgonzola e kiwi

The perfect harmony that is created between smoked, sweet and creamy allowed me to create this succulent appetizer for the summer season. Ingredients for 4 people: 250 grams of Scottish smoked salmon 150 grams of Gorgonzola “palzola” 4 kiwi 1 organic lemon balsamic vinegar extra virgin olive oil, salt Method simple and fast. Lay the Continua a leggere..

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Ingredienti: 650g finocchi a spicchi sottili, 50g pangrattato, 30g parmigiano grattugiato, 30g noci spezzettate grossolanamente, 80g gorgonzola a dadini, olio, sale Lessare i finocchi in acqua bollente e salata per 10 minuti. Nel frattempo mescolare in una ciotola il pangrattato con il parmigiano e le noci. Scolare i finocchi e adagiarli in una pirofila unta, Continua a leggere..

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TWO COLOURS HOMEMADE STRICCHETTI WITH WITH GORGONZOLA, ASPARAGUS AND SPECK (RECETTE AUSSI EN FRANCAIS) – Stricchetti fatti in casa bicolori con farine speciali e condimento di gorgo, asparagi e speck

The “stricchetti” are a type of pasta made in house very similar to the “farfalle pasta type” that you can easily find in stores. In my version I made them using bi color in the dough main millet flour and durum wheat semolina. The seasoning is enough fat given the presence of gorgonzola and speck Continua a leggere..

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I Fagottini Ricotta e Gorgonzola sono degli stuzzichini ottimi per tutte le occasioni, vanno benissimo per un buffet, per una cena fredda o come finger food.Hanno un gusto particolarmente forte e deciso perché ho usato il Continua a leggere…» Piaciuta la ricetta? Condividila per farla conoscere ai tuoi amici e unisciti a noi

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