Tag Archives: Forno Calzolari

FICO: I bring you inside the new foodie heaven in Bologna

In a few months everybody in Bologna will talk about FICO – Eatalyword. The huge food park is opening this Autumn and the hype is growing. I had the chance to visit the work in progress so, like an original umarell (the old bolognese men who like to watch construction sites), I took a walk inside Continua a leggere..

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Where to get the best bread of Bologna

When I was I kid my grandfather used to put crusted bread in meat broth and eat it like a pasta. In fact bread in Bologna is usually like that: crunchy outside and white and soft inside. The most typical ones are called “spiders” or “crosses” but honestly I’m not a fan of that. If you’re looking Continua a leggere..

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