Tag Archives: FLOUR
"PLAITED" BREAD WITH TYPE 2 FLOUR AND SESAME AND SUNFLOWERS SEEDS (RECETTE AUSSI EN FRANCAIS) – Pane intrecciato con farina di tipo e semi di sesamo e girasole

A bread “full health” this with a practically whole wheat flour (the type 2) flour and many delicious oilseeds good for our health. Frankly, I used a small part of Manitoba flour in addition to give him the strength to let it rise more. ingredients:400 grams (14.11 oz) of wheat flour 2100 grams (3.53 oz) Continua a leggere..
FLOUR MILE, PISTACHIOS AND OLIVE BREAD (RECETTE AUSSI EN FRANCAIS) – Pane alla farina di miglio, pistacchi e olive

Millet flour is really a very good meal even though I think it megloi use it to make a paste for example. Pistachios with olives give a further strong flavor to the bread itself. ingredients:200 grams of wholemeal spelled flour100 grams of flour Manitoba100 grams of millet flour80 grams of flour type 020 grams of Continua a leggere..

Sorghum is a cereal cultivated mainly in Africa. Virtually free of gluten and great for packaging, in addition to other flours, delicious cookies or breads very well structured as what I have done using mainly whole grain flours. Ingredients for a loaf of bread from one kilogram300 grams of wholemeal spelled flour150 grams of sorghum Continua a leggere..
HOMEMADE SMALL BREAD WITH DRIED TOMATOES, LEEKS AND SEMOLINA AND CHICKPEAS FLOUR (RECETTE AUSSI EN FRANCAIS) – Pane fatto in casa com pomodorini secchi, porri e farina di ceci e semola

A fantastic bread with flour “unconventional” as well as the filling ingredients … the end result was phenomenal!Ingredients:350 grams of flour type 0100 grams of flour, durum wheat semolina50 gramm id chickpea flour10 dried tomatoes1 leek300 grams of water firzzante6 grams of dry yeast8 grams of oil10 grams of saltPreparation:Soften the dried tomatoes in hot Continua a leggere..