Tag Archives: dessert

Aloha Oahu

The loveliest fleet of islands that has anchored in any ocean- Mark Twain   Michael Jackson. And Elvis Presley. And Bruno Mars and me.Oh and Magnum PI, too.Do you know what we have all had in common?Well it’s not dancing and it’s not singingYeah, I’ve heard that Tom Selleck sing.No, what we have in common Continua a leggere..

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Voglia di golosità, biscotti Digestive McVities alla frutta, frutta fresca, crema al mascarpone,  ed ecco servito il dessert.  Per la ricetta completaclicca qui                                                                   Continua a leggere..

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Around the World in 49 Miles

“I love to travel but I hate to arrive” – Albert Einstein “If you’re afraid of butter, use cream.” - Julia Child    I have a question for you.Let’s play pretend for just a bit. If you could go to any three places in the world, where would you go? Travel and accommodations all paid for. That’s Continua a leggere..

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Le videoricette della torta al formaggio

Una videoricetta con la torta al formaggio newyorchese, la torta al formaggio con il miele ed altre videoricette. Buon dessert e buoni dolci a tutti ed a tutte.. Giovedì due agosto ’12

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