Tag Archives: CREAM
NOODLES WITH SOYA CREAM, TOPINAMBUR AND MUSHROOMS (VEGETARIAN) – Tagliolini con panna di soia, topinambur e funghi

Ingredients for 4 people400 grams of noodles140 ml of soy cream2 Jerusalem artichokes2 tablespoons porcini mushrooms high quality1 clove of garlic15 grams of buttervegetable brothextra virgin olive oilparsleysalt and pepper MethodPeel the Jerusalem artichokes, then do a fried with oil and garlic and brown slightly. Combined with a little vegetable broth and cook for about Continua a leggere..
FLAN OF BROCCOLI AND ROCKET SALAD WITH RASCHERA CREAM – Flan di broccoli e rucola con salsa al raschera

Ingredients for 4 people1 500 grams broccoli around80 grams of Raschera1 clove of garlic2 organic eggs40 grams of fresh arugula50 grams of grated Parmesan cheese200 ml of sauce1 glass of milkextra virgin olive oilsalt, black pepper MethodCook the broccoli in a pressure cooker. When it’s ready, drain and let cool. In a pan fry the Continua a leggere..
GNOCCHI WITH FONTINA, CREAM AND SPECK – Gnocchi con fontina, panna e speck

Ingredients for 4 people800 grams of dumplings100 ml of cream150 grams of Fontina Val d’Aosta dop6 slices of bacon from South Tyrolgrated Parmesan cheesesalt, black pepper MethodIn a pan, fry lightly the bacon in a little extra virgin olive oil. Cut the cheese into small pieces and set aside. Cook the gnocchi in a pot Continua a leggere..
CAULIFLOWER AU GRATIN WITH NOSTRALE OF ONCINO CHEESE, RACLETTE, HAM AND CREAM – Cavolfiore al gratin con nostrale di oncino, raclette, panna e prosciutto cotto

Ingredients for 4 people about1 cauliflower not very big200 grams of raclette cheese150 grams of cooked ham100 ml of cream4 tablespoons breadcrumbs50 grams of cheese Nostrale Oncino20 grams of buttersalt, black pepper MethodPeel the cauliflower removing leaves. Cook it in a pressure cooker. When it is ready, cut it into pieces not very big and Continua a leggere..
PICI PASTA WITH SOUR CREAM, SMOKED SALMON AND LEEKS – Pici con panna acida, salmone affumicato e porri

Pici are a Tuscan pasta shape very similar to bucatini … but without the hole. With sour cream and a good smoked salmon are the greatest. Ingredients for 4 people400 grams of pasta pici (alternatively bucatini)a sour cream of excellent quality jar100 grams of smoked Scottish salmon1 leek Cerveresalt, black pepperMethodCut the leeks, wash and Continua a leggere..
Here Below a typical recipe from Lombardia thanks to the partnership with the blogger Federica Papilla, we will prepare this beautiful and tasty recipe. There are times when all we want is a soft emotion, a good taste that brings you back to happy moments and pamper the deepest heartstrings. When they get these moments my solution Continua a leggere..
VAL VARAITA RAVIOLE WITH GORGONZOLA CREAM, CERVERE’S LEEK AND BLACK TRUFFLES – Raviole della Val Varaita con crema al gorgonzola, porro Cervere e tartufo nero.

Another delicious recipe with ingredients from the Cuneo area (apart from the gorgonzola). Fragrant, flavorful, absolutely delicious.Ingredients for 4 people600 grams of raviole Val Varaita200 grams of Gorgonzola Palzola2 tablespoons cream1 leek Cervere1 black trufflesagesalt, black pepperMethodClean and wash the leeks, drain it well then boil it in a pot for about 15 minutes. In Continua a leggere..
RISOTTO WITH PUMPKIN CREAM, SUNFLOWER SEEDS AND TESTUN CHEESE – Risotto alla crema di zucca con semi di girasole e formaggio testun

The classic pumpkin risotto with a very tasty addition of seasoned testun cheese and sunflower seeds. A true goodness.Ingredients for 4 people320 grams of Carnaroli rice1.5 liters of vegetable broth1 shallothalf full glass of white wine Muller Thurgau1 rather large slice of cheese testun3 tablespoons sunflower seeds20 grams of butter1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheesesalt for Continua a leggere..

Ingredientsfor the sponge cake3 strictly organic eggs50 grams of demerara sugar40 grams of flour type 120 grams of potato starch for the syrup at the coffee100 ml of coffee40 grams of demerara sugar for the mascarpone cream2 organic egg yolks50 grams of demerara sugar25 grams of sparkling water50 grams of maraschino liqueur10 grams of gelatin200 Continua a leggere..