Categoria selezionata: Basilicata

Basilicata Business Now Supports Plugins and Third-Party Themes

For many years, has been a simple way for people to create their own beautiful WordPress website in minutes. But that simplicity came with a tradeoff — did not offer built-in support for the thousands of third-party plugins and themes that helped make WordPress the world’s largest and most open web publishing platform. Continua a leggere..

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A Brand New Editor for the WordPress Mobile Apps

Now that so many of us carry around tiny pocket-size computers, more and more of our Internet time happens on phones and tablets — not just browsing, but creating. You’ve been asking for a better publishing experience in the WordPress app to make mobile publishing smoother. Today we’re introducing a new editor for iOS and Continua a leggere..

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You Can Now Schedule Your Social Media Posts from

Keeping up with social media can feel like a full-time job these days — and for many it is. Posting your content on Twitter and Facebook during specific hours, and keeping things evenly spaced out, means that you need to tend to your profiles pretty often. We wanted to make it easier for users Continua a leggere..

Leggi tutto Teams Up with Rebrand Cities to Bring Local Businesses Online

Cities are collections of neighborhoods — and neighborhoods are powered by small business. From coffee shop owners to fitness instructors, therapists to thrift stores, it’s the people we see in the storefronts next door who build and reinforce the unique character of our cities. At, we want to support local businesses as they grow Continua a leggere..

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Join Us in the Fight for Net Neutrality

Automattic strongly believes in a free and open Internet and it’s hard to imagine a truly open Internet without Net Neutrality. What Is Net Neutrality? “Net Neutrality” is the simple but very powerful principle that all Internet traffic should be treated equally. Whether you’re reading a blog post on, streaming Game of Thrones on Continua a leggere..

Leggi tutto Gets a Perfect Score from the EFF for Digital Privacy Rights

At Automattic, we’re proud of our commitment to fighting for the digital rights of our users and of our work to keep the internet free and open. Today we’re honored to receive another perfect score from the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) in its annual Who Has Your Back? report. The EFF is a well-known nonprofit organization committed Continua a leggere..

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The Best of Summer Edition

Hi everyone! Here’s a snapshot of some of the excellent community advice, insights, and updates that we enjoyed over the past month. What’s new Introducing Your New Social Icons Widget The Social Icons Widget allows you to connect your site to your favorite social media networks. You can activate it by going to My Continua a leggere..

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Connect to Your Fans and Followers with the New Social Icons Widget

We’re excited to introduce the new Social Icons Widget, which allows you to connect with visitors on your favorite social media networks. The new widget supports over 40 popular social platforms, from the ubiquitous Facebook and Twitter, to crafter haven Etsy, to artsy enclaves like DeviantArt and Dribbble. Highlight music or podcasts through SoundCloud or Continua a leggere..

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Blogging Made Easier: Five Tricks You Should Know

Writing interesting blog posts, creating attractive pages, and interacting with your visitors — these are essential ways to help you build a body of work, a successful business, or a growing audience online. I’m part of a team focused on design and research at — I like to find ways to improve your experience, Continua a leggere..

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Plumcake allo yogurt e mirtilli freschi 7 vasetti

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Il plumcake allo yogurt e mirtilli freschi 7 vasetti e’ sempre una ricetta gradita estate e inverno. Molto semplice da preparare, e’ dolce, morbido e cosi’ goloso grazie alla presenza dei mirtilli freschi. E’ possibile anche riscaldare il plumcake allo yogurt e mirtilli freschi 7 vasetti, nel tostapane, sara’ morbido, Continua a leggere..

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