Tag Archives: WHOLEMEAL
WHOLEMEAL FUSILLI WITH WITH HAZELNUTS SAUCE AND MORTADELLA BOLOGNA – Fusilli integrali con salsa di nocciole e mortadella

Ingredients for 4 people400 grams of whole fusilli100 grams of mortadella bologna100 ml of cream1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese2 tablespoons shelled and roasted hazelnutssalt and pepperMethodPrepare the sauce. In a mortar, grind the hazelnuts, then put it in a saucepan with the cream and Parmesan cheese and bake in a water bath. In a pot Continua a leggere..
WHOLEMEAL POLENTA WITH STRACCHINO – Polenta integrale con stracchino

A single dish as much substantial. Winter is almost upon us and I allowed myself this treat !! Ingredients for 4 people:400 grams of possibly full of corn flour and stone-ground1 liter of water300 ml of milk200 grams of cheese stracchinocipolliina dried grasssalt and pepper Method:Bring the water and 300 ml of a boiling milk. Continua a leggere..
SEMI WHOLEMEAL CALZONE PIZZA AT LONG LEAVING OF BUFFALO MOZZARELLA, HAM AND OREGANO – Calzone semi integrale a lunga lievitazione con mozzarella di bufalo, prosciutto e origano

A classic calzone but with a special dough, whole seeds and long rising. ingredientsFor the dough300 grams of flour for pizza200 grams of flour type 2 semi-integral300 grams of cold water10 grams of extra virgin olive oil4 grams of yeast10 grams of salt for the stuffing2 buffalo mozzarella150 grams of cooked ham500 grams of peeled Continua a leggere..
HOMEMADE TROFIE OF WHOLEMEAL FLOUR SPELT WITH CLAMS – Trofie fatte in casa di farro integrale con vongole veraci

A really delicious and important dish.of home made trofie with whole spelt flour and wonderful soft clams with an equally precious Piedmontese white wine.Ingredients for 4 people:for trofie:160 grams of wholemeal spelled flour40 grams of durum wheat semolina flour2 organic eggs1 tablespoon of cold water1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil1 pinch of salt For the Continua a leggere..