Tag Archives: Via Stalingrado
Spazio Tilt pinball museum: ready to play?

There was a time when kids used to play pinball not just in front of a Windows PC. There was a time when Bologna was one of the world capital of pinball. There is a time and space where pinball is more alive than ever. This place is in Bologna, where Federico created a Pinball Museum Continua a leggere..
Gavina showroom: a unique shop in Bologna

If you love modern architecture and international design you already know that in Bologna there’s a precious jewel that draws visitors from around the world: it’s Dino Gavina showroom in Via Altabella, 23. It was designed and built in the 60′ by Carlo Scarpa, one of most important Italian architectural design of the twentieth century, to host Gavina’s furniture showroom. Continua a leggere..