Tag Archives: SIMIL


An interesting ravioli with roasted Piedmontese fassona filling (what I advanced). The dressing is a “simple” butter and flavors with a dash of hot sauce, just to enhance the flavors. Ingredients for 4 people:for ravioli:120 grams of semolina flour80 grams of flour 002 organic eggs1 tablespoon oil1 pinch of saltFor the stuffing:300 grams of roasted Continua a leggere..

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SWEET FRITTATAS (PANCAKES SIMIL) WITH MAPLE SYRUP (RECETTE AUSSI EN FRANCAIS) – Frittatine dolci (simil pancake) con sciroppo d’acero)

Sweet frittas similar to the pancake with a very small change about the flours. Delicious anyway! Ingredients for about 10 pancakes190 grams of flour type 0010 grams of rye flour15 grams of kamut flourhalf a tablespoon of brown sugar1 teaspoon sugar250 ml of whole milk2 fresh organic eggs20 grams of melted butter1 teaspoon instant yeastMaple Continua a leggere..

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Gli Ingredienti Magici: il latticello

source image Il Latticello, meglio noto come BUTTERMILK, è un ingrediente base per i muffin e le cakes anglo-americane e una volta si otteneva dalla preparazione casalinga del burro. Si lasciavano inacidire i residui della lavorazione e si otteneva quindi la parte sierosa scomposta dalla sua componente grassa, il “latte del burro” ovvero “latticello”. Oggi Continua a leggere..

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