Tag Archives: POTATOES
FOCACCIA WITH POTATOES AND TOMATOS – Focaccia con impasto misto alle patate e pomodori Camone

ingredients500 grams of flour type 22 yellow potatoes of medium size7 grams of dry yeast8 grams of extra virgin olive oil220 grams of water10 cherry tomatoes chump8 grams of salt MethodCook the potatoes in a pressure cooker. When they are ready, peel and put them to the potato masher. In a mixer, place the flour, Continua a leggere..
VELVETY SOUP OF PUMPKIN, TOPINAMBUR AND POTATOES – Vellutata di zucca, patate e topinambur

Ingredients for 4 people800 grams of pumpkin3 potatoes2 Jerusalem artichokes1.5 liters of vegetable broth60 ml of cream1 leekextra virgin olive oilsalt, black pepper MethodCook the potatoes in a pressure cooker, then peel and cut into pieces not very large. Cut the leek into rounds and let blanch in hot water for about 5 minutes. In Continua a leggere..
PURPLE OCTOPUS WITH POTATOES – Polipo con patate viola

A particular dish very tasty and the impact color not indifferent! :-) Ingredients for 4 people1 octopus of about 1 kilogram10 purple potatoes vitelotte1 organic lemoncilantro or parsleyextra virgin olive oilsalt, black pepper. MethodIn a pressure cooker, cook the potatoes. When they are cooked, drain, peel and cut into pieces not very large. In another Continua a leggere..
ARTISAN SALAMI WITH VITELOTTE MASHED POTATOES – Salamino artigianale con purea di patate vitelotte

Ingredients for 4 people2 artisanal salami (cotechino sausage type)rosemarysalt for the puree:600 grams of potatoes vitelottehalf a glass of milk20 grams of butter1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheesesalt, nutmeg PreparationCook the sausages (after being riddled with a fork) in a pot of cold water for about 1 hour and a half. In a pressure cooker, cook Continua a leggere..
OCTOPUS IN TOMATO SAUCE WITH POTATOES, PEPPERS AND CROUTONS – Polipo al sugo di pomodoro con peperoni, patate e crostini

Ingredients for 4 people1 octopus of about 1 kg weight400 grams of tomato sauce prepared before2 fairly large potatoes1 large red bell peppercroutonsextra virgin olive oilparsleysalt and pepper MethodRoasted red pepper in the oven after it is cut and clean.Sbucciatelo and then cut it into pieces is not very large. Thoroughly wash the octopus, then Continua a leggere..
SEDANINI PASTA WITH PESTO OF BASIL AND ALMOND WITH POTATOES – Sedanini con pesto di basilico e mandorle con patate

A plate, with the last pesto (a bit special) homemade season.Ingredients for 4 people320 grams of sedanini2 potatoesextra virgin olive oilsaltfor the basil pesto and almonds1 bunch basil1 tablespoon toasted almonds previously1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheeseextra virgin olive oilsaltMethodCook the potatoes in a pressure cooker. When they are ready, peel and cut into pieces not Continua a leggere..
BARLEY SOUP WITH POTATOES – Zuppa di orzo con patate

Ingredients for 4 people80 grams of barley50 grams of bacon in cubes1.5 liters of vegetable broth prepared before3 potatoes1 shallotextra virgin olive oilsalt, black pepperrosemary MethodIn a pressure cooker, cook the potatoes. When they are ready, peel them and keep aside. Take a lightly fried in a pan with oil, bacon and shallots finely chopped. Continua a leggere..
BAKED OMELETTE PASTA WITH POTATOES AND HAM. – Frittata al forno di pasta con patate e prosciutto cotto

A flavorful omelet baked, inverted with the potatoes tasty and delicious cooked ham. A real treat. Ingredients for 4 people:240 grams of durum wheat spaghetti4 fairly large potatoes6 organic eggs8 slices of cooked ham4 tablespoons breadcrumbssalt, black pepper20 grams of butter MethodCook the potatoes in a pressure cooker. When they are ready, peel and cut Continua a leggere..
PACCHERI WITH FRESH TUNA AND SWEET AMERICAN POTATOES – Paccheri con tonno fresco e patate dolci americane

A first unusual dish but very, very tasty for the presence of the American sweet potato, with its chestnut aftertaste, it helps to enhance the flavor of fresh tuna.Ingredients for 4 people400 grams of paccheri of Gragnano2 slices of tuna fresh1 American sweet potato is not very big200 grams of tomato sauce prepared before1 clove Continua a leggere..