Tag Archives: PEAS
SALTED CUPCAKES WITH ENDIVE AND PEAS (VEGETARIAN, BRUNCH) – Cupcakes salati con indivia e piselli

ingredients100 grams of whole spelled flour100 grams of flour type 1150 grams of Belgian flour100 grams of cooked peas previously2 organic eggs100 grams of quark cheese70 ml of soybean milksunflower oil1 tablespoon sesame seedsMethodPeel, wash and thoroughly clean the endive. Put it in a bowl with the peas and sesame seeds and sunflower oil. Mix Continua a leggere..
MACCHERONI WITH SOIA CREAM , HAZELNUTS AND PEAS (VEGAN) – Maccheroni con panna di soia, nocciole e piselli (vegan)

Ingredients for 4 people400 grams of Gragnano Macaroni100 ml of soy cream100 grams of cooked peas previously2 tablespoons shelled hazelnuts1 shallotextra virgin olive oil, pink salt MethodIn a pan, make a fried with oil and shallots. Take the peas and let them cook slightly. Then add half a tablespoon of coarsely chopped hazelnuts and soy Continua a leggere..
THIGHS OF CHICKEN WITH PEAS, LEEK AND ANCIENT MUSTARD – Cosce di pollo con piselli, porri e senape all’antica

Ingredients for 4 people:8 chicken thighs20 shelled and toasted almonds1 large leek200 grams of peas previously boiled40 grams of bacon, diced2 tablespoons mustard old1 shallotextra virgin olive oilsalt MethodClean the leek, cut into rounds, then do blanch in boiling water for about 10 minutes. Drain and keep aside. In a pan, make a fried with Continua a leggere..
PACCHERI WITH SAUSAGE OF BEEF, PEAS AND DRIED TOMATO SAUCE – Paccheri con salsiccia di vitello, piselli e salsa di pomodori secchi

A simple dish but with a certain level really tastes. Ingredients for persons400 grams of paccheri of GragnanoAbout 6 tablespoons of peas previously boiled200 grams of sausage Bra for the dried tomato sauce200 grams of dried tomatoes (what’s left over, of course, keep it)extra virgin olive oil enough to emulsify1 sprig fresh thyme1 tablespoon of Continua a leggere..
BRASATO RAVIOLI WITH REDUCTION OF ARNEIS WINE, CREAM, HAM AND PEAS – Ravioli al brasato con riduzione al vino arneis, panna, prosciutto e piselli

A traditional recipe with the addition of a tasty reduction Arneis wine, very welcome.Ingredients for 4 people600 grams of ravioli with braised200 ml of cream150 grams of cooked ham120 grams of peas previously boiled1 ladle of vegetable brothfor the reduction1 glass of white wine Arneis1 heaping tablespoon of flour20 grams of butter1 ladle of vegetable Continua a leggere..
VELLUTATA WITH PEAS, ZUCCHINI AND GINGER – Vellutata di piselli, zucchini e zenzero

A delight this soup with fresh zucchini and peas. The addition of a drop of cream and fresh ginger increases the perception of flavor, already large enough per se !! ingredients4 green zucchini200 grams of fresh shelled peas1 liter of vegetable broth prepared before1 potato boiled previously1 yellow onion1 tablespoon heavy cream5 grams of fresh Continua a leggere..
TAGLIATELLE WITH CREME FRAICHE, MUSHROOMS AND PEAS.- Tagliatelle con creme fraiche, funghi e piselli

the goodness of creme fraiche combined with the unmistakable flavor of mushrooms and peas and the texture of the noodles. Seeing as we approach the end of summer, we do the first tests of autumn cuisine.Ingredients for 4 people320 grams of noodles180 grams of creme fraiche100 grams of peas previously boiled10 mushrooms champignons1 clove of Continua a leggere..
SALAD OF CHICK PEAS, TOMATOES AND TUNA – Insalata di ceci, pomodoro e tonno

Nothing better than a mixed salad with legumes, vegetables, minerals and animal proteins all together in one pot. Chickpeas that I used among other things increase exponentially the flavor and mint gives it the freshness that these days of heat wave helps our body to defend itself from the heat.Ingredients for 4 people:180 grams of Continua a leggere..

Fragrant, tasty, seasoned with high quality ingredients and above all healthy. Excellent to take to the office for lunch, maybe. Perceptions: crispiness (rice and chickpeas), gentleness (dried tarragon), acidity (dried tomatoes, lime juice), aroma (parsley). What we need: Knife Chef, pot, bowl, cutting board. Ingredients for 4 people400 grams of Basmati rice160 grams of boiled Continua a leggere..