Tag Archives: PASTRY

I like to combine the bread, traditionally savory product, with sweet components such as the one I used in this recipe. Chocolate with mint and strawberries gives the bread to dark beer a unique taste.ingredients:for the bread to beer:350 grams of flour Manitoba150 grams of wheat flour13 grams of yeast100 grams of cold water15 cl Continua a leggere..
CRUST OF FASSONE ROAST WITH HOMEMADE PASTRY (RECETTE AUSSI EN FRANCAIS) – Arrosto di fassone in crosta di pasta sfoglia fatta in casa

A delicious roast Fassone with an internal ham of the highest quality and tasty mushrooms. To try, especially for the pasta! :-) ingredients:800 grams of roasted fassone200 grams of high quality cooked ham100 grams of mushrooms and champignons clean cut abovemix of dried herbs for roastsborettane onions1 cup white winevegetable broth and beef broththyme, rosemary, Continua a leggere..
SALTY CANNOLI WITH HOMEMADE PUFF PASTRY AND RICOTTA CHEESE AND SMOKED SALMON (RECETTE AUSSI EN FRANCAIS) – Cannoli salati di pasta sfoglia fatta in casa con ricotta e salmone affumicato

A great appetizer or aperitif to start the evening in a relaxed and light. Accompanied with the excellent prosecco are just the best.ingredients:For the pastry:loaf500 grams (17.64 oz) of butter10 grams (0.35 oz) of flour 00 Pastel said outer part400 grams (14.11 oz) of flour 0 with average high W225 grams (7.94 oz) of watersaltfor Continua a leggere..
Salon du Chocolat Milano

Non avete già preso impegni, vero? Non scherziamo…. Il weekend di San Valentino ha un solo sinonimo: C I O C C O L A T O Allora, per cominciare, dove e quando ci troveremo? 13-14-15 FEBBRAIO 2016THE MALL Porta Nuova Varesine (zona Garibaldi, Milano) Cosa ci sarà? La prima edizione italiana del Salon du Chocolat. Sarà una manifestazione di Continua a leggere..
FLAT BIGNE WITH PASTRY CREAM AND CHOCOLATE – Bignè piatti con crema pasticcera e cioccolato fondente

Cream puffs with a custard dishes very tasty and a dark chocolate to 85% coverage on them. Fantastic !! ingredients:for the pate a choux:250 ml of water100 grams of butter150 grams of flour 003 organic eggsFor the custard.500 ml of milk1 organic lemonthe seeds of a vanilla bean4 Organic yolks70 grams of fructose80 grams of Continua a leggere..