Tag Archives: LANGHE

RAVIOLI DEL PLIN "ROERO LANGHE" – Ravioli alla "roero – langa"

Ingredients for 4 people400 grams of ravioli del plin80 grams of Raschera1 leek not very bighalf a glass of water1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheesesalt and pepper MethodPeel the leek, cut into rounds and cook in a saucepan with 1 cup of milk for 10 minutes. A obtained cooking turn off the heat, drain the leeks Continua a leggere..

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La torta di nocciole, o la torta dei 2, come la chiama mia nonna dato che gli ingredienti praticamente pesano quasi tutti 200 g, è una tortina adatta a ogni occasione.  Si serve per merenda, ai bimbi appena tornati da scuola, pucciata nel té per colazione, oppure accompagnata da un ciuffetto di panna o una Continua a leggere..

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SLICE OF SALMON MARINATED WITH FAVORITE LANGHE WHITE WINE AND LEMON THYME – Trancio di salmone marinato al vino Favorita Langhe e timo limone

Aromas, freshness, flavors. A small masterpiece in short, in all simplicity. Ingredients for 4 people:4 slices of fresh salmon50 cl of white wine Langhe Favorita1 bunch of lemon thyme1 organic lemon1 clove of garlicextra virgin olive oilsalt and pepper MethodCarefully clean the salmon steaks trying to remove any thorns present. In a bowl for marinades Continua a leggere..

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