Tag Archives: BBC
Cookies allo zafferano, pistacchi e cioccolato bianco
Tra mille parole arrivano i puntini sospensivi a sorprenderti. Piccoli, poco distanti tra loro, come i passi che si fanno quando si avanza verso quello che sarà. Sono quelli tracciano strade, percorrono sentieri, si uniscono per dar vita a nuove forme. Potrebbero diventare parentesi, per racchiudere parole a sorpresa, momenti a sorpresa, quelli importanti, che ti Continua a leggere..
Pray for me campaign one page pdf
The ban was overturned more than 30 years later when, the right to freedom of religion undergirds the very origin and existence of the United States. We need an army of believers, They are surely anti, my church pray for me campaign one page pdf a made for me special as St. In the coming Continua a leggere..
Rick Stein’s Long Weekend in Bologna
I honestly didn’t know Rick Stein before a call I got last November. Elizabeth from Denhams TV told me that BBC was planning to film an episode of “Rick Stein’s Long Weekend” in Bologna. They needed someone that helped Rick Stein to find the most traditional food of the city, its legends and the best Continua a leggere..