Categoria selezionata: Friuli Venezia Giulia

Friuli Venezia Giulia

Simpler On-the-Go Publishing: Background Media Uploading for Android

Version 8.1 of the WordPress for Android app is now available, with some great enhancements to publishing: background media uploading. Adding images to a post or page? Now, you can publish — and move on to other things — while your media uploads. No more waiting inside the editor while images gradually upload! Tap the Publish button Continua a leggere..

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Crostata Di Pesche

Ecco la crostata di pesche , come la realizzo io.. La ricetta della base per la realizzazione della pasta frolla la trovate QUI’. Una volta realizzata,la base ,la facciamo raffreddare e successivamente ci realizziamo la crema pasticcera che metteremo verso l’interno della base della torta,una volta fredda,ed infine tagliamo a fettine sottili le pesche (io Continua a leggere..

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FORMAGGIO DI CAPRA ALLA PIASTRA  CON PERA COSCIA AL VINO ROSSO Ingredienti: formaggio di capra olio d’oliva sale e pepe 4  pere coscia vino rosso 1 cucchiaio di zucchero grani di pepe chiodi di garofano un pezzetto di cannella 2  carote fagiolini valeriana noci sgusciate pane raffermo Scaldare mezzo litro di vino rosso con lo Continua a leggere..

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Add A Simple Payment Button To Your Premium Or Business Site

May 2016: Hajj Flemings, CEO of Rebrand Cities with renowned photographer, Shawn Lee, in a redesigned school bus en route to working with small business owners in Detroit. Earlier this year, while working in Detroit with small business owners and the Rebrand Cities team, it became clear that entrepreneurs and publishers are looking for a Continua a leggere..

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Add A Simple Payment Button To Your Site

May 2016: Hajj Flemings, CEO of Rebrand Cities with renowned photographer, Shawn Lee, in a redesigned school bus en route to working with small business owners in Detroit. Earlier this year, while working in Detroit with small business owners and the Rebrand Cities team, it became clear that entrepreneurs and publishers are looking for a Continua a leggere..

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Ingredienti: per lo stampo: burro farina  3 cucchiai di zucchero per il dolce: 40  fichi neri di Caneva 220  gr di mandorle bianche 8  gr di mandorle amare 60  gr di zucchero 120  gr di farina 00 200  gr di burro morbido 120  gr di zucchero 3  uova sale 2  cucchiai di Rum Ungere con Continua a leggere..

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Better Blogging Through Podcasts: Announcing RadioPublic Embeds

We love podcasts: they’re like the blogging version of radio, a medium anyone can jump into and use to share their story. They introduce us to new voices and give us glimpses into new perspectives… and they pair perfectly with blogs and websites, where they can add more texture and interest to what you’re already Continua a leggere..

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An Updated Login Coming to the WordPress Mobile Apps

Over the past few months the Mobile team has been thinking a lot about the login experience in the WordPress apps and how we could make it better — we’re never satisfied, you know, so we’re always trying to improve things. After much thought, and even more work, we’re very happy to unveil a new login Continua a leggere..

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Ingredienti: 500  gr di tonno fresco (due tranci larghi 2 cm) pomodorini foglie di basilico fresco foglie di menta olio d’oliva sale  pepe o peperoncino Lavare il tonno e tagliarlo a cubetti poi preparare gli spiedini infilando: un pezzo di tonno, una foglia di basilico, un pomodorino, un cubetto di tonno, una foglia di menta, Continua a leggere..

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Intervista su RVL LaRadio!

Ecco il link sulla mia intervista dove parlo del mio blog di ricette e cake design….<3 L’articolo Intervista su RVL LaRadio! sembra essere il primo su Le Dolci Follie DI Vanessa.

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