Categoria selezionata: Friuli Venezia Giulia

Friuli Venezia Giulia

Introducing the Simple Payment Widget

Since the introduction of the Simple Payment Button, we’ve been looking for more ways to streamline payments on and Jetpack-enabled sites. Today, we’re introducing a new variant of the Simple Payment Button, available to Premium and Business plan subscribers and to Jetpack sites on Premium and Professional plans. Take payments anywhere on your Continua a leggere..

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Introducing: A Diverse, Free Stock Photo Library

As many site creators know, it’s daunting to find images to represent the message you’re trying to put out into the world — especially if you don’t have the equipment or time to make your own. At, we’re constantly striving to make it as easy as possible to create beautiful websites that represent who Continua a leggere..

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Podcasting on

It’s no secret that we’re big fans of podcasts — their beautiful storytelling and engaging news delivery add a whole new dimension to the media landscape — and podcasters. We happily support podcast creators, from sponsoring events like Podcast Movement to supporting embeds from services like RadioPublic. Did you know that allows you to host your Continua a leggere..

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Sharing Options from to Facebook Are Changing

We wanted to update you about an upcoming change Facebook is introducing to their platform, and which affects how you may share posts from your website to your Facebook account. Starting August 1, 2018, third-party tools can no longer share posts automatically to Facebook Profiles. This includes Publicize, the tool for and Jetpack-powered Continua a leggere..

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Ingredienti: 900  gr di zucchine  5  uova medie 120  gr di grana grattugiato 2  fette  di prosciutto cotto un ciuffo di prezzemolo 3  foglie di basilico rosso farina 00 pangrattato sale e pepe olio d’oliva formaggio Montasio Accendere il forno a 180°.  Lavare e asciugare le zucchine, eliminare le due estremità poi tagliarle a julienne raccogliendole Continua a leggere..

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Deliziose Cherry Pie

Ogni anno aspetto con impazienza la stagione delle ciliegie, penso che siano tra i miei frutti preferiti, così belli perfetti nella loro forma e con quel meraviglioso tono di rosso. Sono i frutti dei bambini, chi da piccolo non si è arrampicato sugli alberi per farne una scorpacciata, o chi non li ha usati come Continua a leggere..

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Welcome Atavist! A Groundbreaking Publishing Platform Joins the Family

Today we’re announcing that Atavist, a multimedia publishing platform and award-winning magazine, will be joining parent company Automattic. This news is exciting to me on a few levels — eight years ago I had my first introduction to Atavist when I met a journalist named Evan Ratliff for coffee at Housing Works in New Continua a leggere..

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Bookmark Posts with Save For Later

Maybe you’re reading a blog post while sipping your morning tea when you suddenly realize it’s getting late, or you’re browsing on the bus — but you just got to your stop. The Reader is a great tool for catching up with your favorite blogs or exploring interesting new reads. And now, you can Continua a leggere..

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Field Notes: WooCommerce Workshop for Women

Automatticians, the people who build, participate in events and projects around the world every day. Periodically, they report back on the exciting things they do in the community. Members of Automattic’s Happiness team have traveled to Southeast Asia three times since last September to meet people in communities across the region. Our goal? To Continua a leggere..

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Ingredienti: 4 filetti di merluzzo mandorle spellate mandorle sgusciate pane grattugiato pepe e sale salvia olio d’oliva Macinare con un mixer 30  gr di mandorle scure, 70  gr di mandorle spellate (senza pellicina), un grosso pizzico di pepe e due cucchiai di pane grattugiato poi versare il tutto  in una ciotola.  Sbattere leggermente con una Continua a leggere..

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