When to visit Bologna

Not all the months are the same to visit a city, so which are the best months to visit Bologna?
SPOILER: you can find you something intereresting to do every month, Bologna is always alive :) 


It’s my favourite time of the year and absolutely the best to visit Bologna. A lot of activities take place in May/early June. In May don’t miss “Di Verde in Verde“, an event that uncovers the hidden gardens of the centre and “Biografilm Festival“, a doc movie festival by Cineteca with lots of previews and food related events inside Parco del Cavaticcio.
The temperature is usually around 22-25°C and sometimes it rains, but we have km of porticoes and you will be rewarded by the beautiful light of the buildings and the cool night breeze.


July it’s still a good month to come, even if you can get some very hot days. You have the chance to see a movie every night in the amazing landscape of Piazza Maggiore with “Cinema sotto le stelle“. It’s so far the best cinema you can ever see.
Avoid August if you can and if you’re interested in food because most of the markets and food shops close for almost all the month. Anyway you are able to see a different city: without students and traffic, the city is silent and magical at night. 


Another great time to come with lots of things to do. Food festivals like Cioccoshow or MortadellaBo, live music in rock and jazz clubs like Locomotiv, Covo Club, Cantina Bentivoglio and Bravo Cafè and the beginning of theatre’s seasons make autumn an interesting time to be in Bologna.


Not the best time to come for weather and events, expecially just after Christmas, even if it’s the celebration of bolognese food. It’s the perfect time to eat tortellini, cotechino and all the rich dishes of our tradition (link ai migliori cibi di bologna per natale). At New Year’s Eve you can wait for the new year in Piazza Maggiore where the so called “Vecchione”, an icon of the old year that disappears, is set on fire.
[photos: Lorenzoclick, Paolo Piscolla, Denis Billi, Tyler Durdan at Flickr]

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