Lots of us like to share photography on our sites, so we’re excited to add two photography courses to the Blogging U. library!
These free 10-day courses help you sharpen your visual eye so you can create a beautiful photoblog, enhance your website with images, or just get more comfortable with your camera (or all three!). Use a big fancy DSLR, a cameraphone, or anything in between — everyone is welcome.
Developing Your Eye I introduces you to the fundamentals of photography. You’ll get an email each day pairing a theme to inspire your image with a related shooting tip. We may ask you to consider composition or image orientation one day, or experiment with color on another.
Want to keep shooting? Developing Your Eye II offers ten more days of themes and tips. Experiment with light and motion, learn to lightly edit your images, and more. We’ll build on the tips and practices from the first course, but it’s not a prerequisite — you can take this first, or as a stand-alone course.
Both courses are based on our previous Photo 101: A Photo a Day four-week course. For more info about Blogging U. and how it works, check out these FAQs.
Looking for other photography resources? Check out a roundup of four of our favorite photo-focused themes, or explore the “Craft of Photography” category over on The Daily Post.
Get started
Start and stop these courses whenever works for you. To get started, visit the Blogging U. homepage and click the “Sign up” button next to the course you’re interested in, or visit the course pages (Developing Your Eye I | Developing Your Eye II) and click the “Sign up for this course” button. You’ll get a welcome email immediately, then your first assignment ten minutes later.
Not interested in photography? There are a range of other Blogging U. courses for you to choose from:
Filed under: Better Blogging, Photos

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Blogging U. for Photography: Developing Your Eye
Lots of us like to share photography on our sites, so we’re excited to add two photography courses to the Blogging U. library!
These free 10-day courses help you sharpen your visual eye so you can create a beautiful photoblog, enhance your website with images, or just get more comfortable with your camera (or all three!). Use a big fancy DSLR, a cameraphone, or anything in between — everyone is welcome.
Developing Your Eye I
Developing Your Eye I introduces you to the fundamentals of photography. You’ll get an email each day pairing a theme to inspire your image with a related shooting tip. We may ask you to consider composition or image orientation one day, or experiment with color on another.
Developing Your Eye II
Want to keep shooting? Developing Your Eye II offers ten more days of themes and tips. Experiment with light and motion, learn to lightly edit your images, and more. We’ll build on the tips and practices from the first course, but it’s not a prerequisite — you can take this first, or as a stand-alone course.
Both courses are based on our previous Photo 101: A Photo a Day four-week course. For more info about Blogging U. and how it works, check out these FAQs.
Get started
Start and stop these courses whenever works for you. To get started, visit the Blogging U. homepage and click the “Sign up” button next to the course you’re interested in, or visit the course pages (Developing Your Eye I | Developing Your Eye II) and click the “Sign up for this course” button. You’ll get a welcome email immediately, then your first assignment ten minutes later.
Not interested in photography? There are a range of other Blogging U. courses for you to choose from:
Filed under: Better Blogging, Photos

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