FOOD BLOGGER: fucinaidee

Gli ultimi post di fucinaidee

VideoPress, Take 3

We promised you “more is coming” in our latest update—and now more is here. More features that make the finest video service for WordPress even more powerful. You can upload more content with less effort, reach more audiences, and keep sharing more of what inspires you. In this video, we’ll show you what’s new in Continua a leggere..

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Say Hello to WordPrompts!

Earlier this year, we kicked off 2022 with Bloganuary, a daily blogging challenge during the month of January. The feedback we received about the challenge was overwhelmingly positive, and it’s clear that prompts serve as a helpful way to inspire people to write and to connect with other bloggers. We want to keep that momentum Continua a leggere..

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Introducing WordPress Pro: One Plan, Infinite Possibilities

Our mission has always been to democratize publishing, one website at a time. Now we’re making all the benefits of WordPress available to more people, with one simple pricing plan. Hello, Pro One thing we heard over the years was how hard it can be to choose the right upgrade plan when you’re ready to Continua a leggere..

Continua a leggere.. Favorites: Empish Thomas

Welcome back to our “ Favorites” series! In these interviews, we’ll be highlighting bloggers about their passion project. Caution: contents guaranteed to be inspiring. This interview has been lightly edited.     Shortly after Empish Thomas earned her journalism degree in the mid-’90s, she began experiencing severe headaches and sensitivity to light. After a visit to the eye Continua a leggere..

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Customize Your Entire Site With New Block Themes

In case you missed it, we’ve been rolling out a new set of powerful site design tools called Full Site Editing (or “FSE”) and it’s now available for all users! Don’t worry if you’re just hearing about Full Site Editing for the first time. We’ve been releasing these new tools in a way that Continua a leggere..

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La Mia Caponata Light

Ingredienti 2 Cipolle bianche 2 Coste di sedano Sale e Pepe 300 g pomodoro datterino 80g. mandorle affettate Olio extravergine di oliva 200 g. capperi 2 sacchetti olive verdi denocciolate 3 melanzane tonde 3/4 peperoni (verde giallo rosso) Foglie di Basilico Origano Aglio 1 Cucchiaio di zucchero di canna 1/2 Bicchiere di Aceto bianco Mondare Continua a leggere..

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Torta di Riso con Crema al Limone

150g. Riso 1 l. Latte 150 g. Zucchero di Canna 3 Uova 5 Cucchiai di Brandy o altro liquore Scorza grattugiata di 1 limone Olio di semi Mais 1 cucchiaio Sale un pizzico In una pentola fate bollire il latte con un pizzico di sale ed un cucchiaio di olio di mais, aggiungendo poi il Continua a leggere..

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Ingredienti 1 rotolo di pasta BRISE’ 600 g. Ricotta 2 Uova 4/5 Cucchiai di zucchero Un pizzico di sale 2 Limoni non trattati 2 fialette limone 2 Bustine vanilina 40 g. amido di mais Zucchero a velo Stendere il rotolo di pasta brisé e spolverizzarla con poco zucchero a velo. Usate il mattarello per assottigliate Continua a leggere..

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BISCOTTI Misto frutta secca

INGREDIENTI 240 g. Farina 7 Cereali 60 g. Farina Mandorle 1 Mela grattugiata 1 Arancia grattugiata e spremuta(succo e buccia) 70 g. Misto frutta secca(mandorle,noci, mirtilli…) 70 g. Uvetta (ammollata in acqua tiepida) 80-100 g. Olio di Mais 1 Cucchiaio di Miele 1/2 bustina lievito x dolci 1 pizzico di sale In una terrina versate Continua a leggere..

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Biscotti Colazione light

INGREDIENTI 200 g. Farina Cereali 100 g. Farina di Mandorle Pizzico di Sale 60 g. Cioccolato Fondente 1 Mela Renetta 100 g. Olio Mais 80 g. uvetta 2 Cucchiai di Miele di castagno o altro tipo 1/2 Bustina Lievito x Dolci   In una terrina versate la farina di cereali e la farina di mandorle, Continua a leggere..

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