Orange “delicious” cake!! Now that the oranges are in season and the best ones are out there, take advantage of them and make this cake. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed! This is the perfect orange cake according to my taste: the right compromise between softness and orange flavor, moist consistency and caramelized topping Continua a leggere..
Gli ultimi post di Maddj
My Homemade Orange Cake

Apple Quince Crostata for the Fall season In the Fall season everyone is seeking comfort in the midst of dropping temperatures! That’s why it’s the season of baking, hot food, hot drinks, and all things pumpkin spice. Make your house smell cozy and inviting with freshly baked goodies! I am personally looking forward to diving into my Continua a leggere..
Spaghetti alla Nerano

Zucchini and cheese, just that! Many Italian pasta recipes are very simple and easy to make! The majority of the Italians, myself included, love pasta with vegetables. If you are so lucky to have fresh vegetables from your garden, you will be happy to eat pasta and these vegetables every day! As I was, Continua a leggere..
Seattle’s 34th Annual Festa Italiana

A little taste of Italy right in the heart of Seattle Seattle’s 34th Annual Festa Italiana the only “in-person” event of 2021, in the beautiful Fisher Pavilion and the surrounding grounds and buildings of the Seattle Center. Saturday & Sunday, September 25 & 26, 2021. Before COVID the Italian Festival has always been the largest Continua a leggere..
Pasta with Broccoli

Pasta with Broccoli authentic Italian recipe from Naples Do you love grandma’s recipes? I really do! Take a moment to sit back, close your eyes, and remember the days of being a child and getting to go to your grandparents house. Well, for me was that day everyday, because my grandma was living with us and Continua a leggere..
Pumpkin bread

Fall is here and this is my first Pumpkin loaf I couldn’t wait to make and eat, my favorite Fall cake but for almost one week I have asked about pumpkin availability, finely I found in the store. This year due to weather conditions, the harvest was slightly delayed. We’re starting to feel more Continua a leggere..

UNRUH FURNITURE I’m so excited to show you this special Brand from Kansas City, for custom hand-made furniture build to your specifications. (I will be paid for any sales generated by my website) Breckenridge Table Since I started to work at our restaurant, I’m always very busy. I’m sharing a lot on my Instagram, Twitter Continua a leggere..

GREAT SURPRISE! from Alignable Great News! You’re A Local Winner in Our SmallBiz Story Search, from #Alignable “Congrats! You’re a local winner in Phase 1 of Alignable’s WOW-Worthy SmallBiz Story Search! You’ll see a badge trumpeting this honor on your profile, declaring you as Eagle’s Best Small Business Storyteller!” These are the words of the Continua a leggere..

Brioche con marmellata di prugne Quando la golosità ti rende capace di osare! Fare i dolci è la mia passione, e ovviamente mangiarli non è un sacrificio! Questa ciambella l’ho fatta un po’ di tempo fa quando ancora ero in Italia e avevo il mio lievito madre che mi dava tante soddisfazioni. Questa ciambella è Continua a leggere..

SPECIALE LEZIONE DI INGLESE Un simpatico argomento oggi a scuola, durante la nostra ora di inglese. La nostra insegnante ci ha spiegato le origini di questa tradizionale festa americana e non solo! Ci ha mostrato diverse foto che ritraggono zucche intagliate e travestimenti usati in questa ricorrenza e ci ha invitati ad andare in giro Continua a leggere..
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