Oh beers. You start at 15 with a Bud, you get drunk at 20 with a Weisse, at 25 you find out that Guinness is not that bitter, around 30 you go deep inside the beautiful world of microbrewery. Bologna wasn’t a city for beer lovers until a few years ago, but over the last Continua a leggere..
FOOD BLOGGER: Taste Bologna
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Beers: my 5 favourites of Bologna
Rocchetta Mattei, the magical castle

Just an hour drive from Bologna there’s a place where a miracle medicine was founded, an hippogriff greet you at the entrance and where you can get married within an Esher’s painting. No, I have not exaggerated with Pignoletto, it’s Rocchetta Mattei, a unique castle between the hills, ideal for adults and children, that will Continua a leggere..
My 5 favourite things to do in Bologna for FREE

It’s really easy to have fun and enjoy Bologna without spending lot of money. Here are my top 5 suggestions but the best recommendation I can give is to leave home your map, wear comfortable shoes and start to wander under the porticoes of the city centre without hurry. Then take your time, look up Continua a leggere..
When to visit Bologna

Not all the months are the same to visit a city, so which are the best months to visit Bologna?SPOILER: you can find you something intereresting to do every month, Bologna is always alive :) Spring It’s my favourite time of the year and absolutely the best to visit Bologna. A lot of activities take Continua a leggere..
Where to get the best bread of Bologna

When I was I kid my grandfather used to put crusted bread in meat broth and eat it like a pasta. In fact bread in Bologna is usually like that: crunchy outside and white and soft inside. The most typical ones are called “spiders” or “crosses” but honestly I’m not a fan of that. If you’re looking Continua a leggere..
Rick Stein’s Long Weekend in Bologna

I honestly didn’t know Rick Stein before a call I got last November. Elizabeth from Denhams TV told me that BBC was planning to film an episode of “Rick Stein’s Long Weekend” in Bologna. They needed someone that helped Rick Stein to find the most traditional food of the city, its legends and the best Continua a leggere..
San Luca’s Procession: my reportage

Every year, the icon of San Luca Virgin is accompanied by a procession of devotees to the San Pietro Cathedral in Bologna, where it remaines for a week of solemn celebrations, before returning to the sanctuary. It’s a tradition that began in 1433, after a series of natural disasters that plagued Bologna . This year I decided Continua a leggere..
Bologna’s best takeaway
I/redirect.php?URL=’m not a huge fan of take-away, partially because I love cooking and also because in Italy it/redirect.php?URL=’s usually synonymous of junk or low quality food. But sometimes that/redirect.php?URL=’s not true and in Bologna you can find a few great places that bring you home a great dinner. These are my best choices. Pizza MasanielloOpened just Continua a leggere..
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