FOOD BLOGGER: Ragazze conTorte

Le ragazze normali, a Natale, desiderano una nuova borsa, un paio scarpe, un bijoux. Quelle conTorte invece, vogliono una planetaria o un abbattitore. Sono Valeria Mei Cagnoli e sono la penna (anzi il dito sulla tastiera) che scrive su questo blog. Nella mia “vita precedente” sono stata un’attrice e ho avuto la fortuna e il privilegio di lavorare a fianco di grandi artisti, come Francesco Venditti, Andy Luotto, Katia Ricciarelli, Ernesto Mahieux, Angelo Infanti, Anna Longhi, Maurizio Mattioli… La passione per lo zucchero è arrivata nella mia vita per puro caso, così come tutte le cose più belle: la scelta di vivere a Roma, per la vincita di una borsa di studio; il cinema di Bollywood, perché un regista credeva fossi di origini indiane; il mio meraviglioso bambino, perché una ginecologa pensava non potessi rimanere incinta. Da quando è nato Andrea, ho deciso di “appendere al chiodo” la maschera dell’attrice, che mi portava troppo spesso e troppo a lungo lontano da casa, e prendere in mano le fruste… ma solo quelle di pasticceria!!

Gli ultimi post di Ragazze conTorte

New Theme: Photos

Today we’re happy to introduce Photos, an image-centric theme with a clean layout and a design that showcases your favorite snapshots. When we designed Photos, we put extra care into making it look and feel great on mobile devices. But that’s only one of the theme’s highlights — here are a few others. Photos first: Continua a leggere..

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National Voter Registration Day 2018

Did you know that today is National Voter Registration Day?  At Automattic, our mission is to make it easier for people to speak their mind and connect with communities across (and beyond) the web — every website, and every blog post you publish with the tools we build, is part of a broader conversation. Continua a leggere..

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Try Simplenote, Our Fast and Easy-to-Use Notes App

A great note-taking app can help with all kinds of daily routines like taking class notes, writing a shopping list, or jotting down ideas for your next great blog post. At Automattic, we love using Simplenote, which is an easy way to create notes, lists, and more. Our favorite part? It’s backed by a powerful sync Continua a leggere..

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New in the Business Plan: Jetpack Search

The Business plan combines fully managed hosting with the freedom to grow and scale your site without limits. Today we’re adding Jetpack Search to Business so you can enjoy powerful and fast on-site search functionality as part of your plan.   Once you activate Jetpack Search, you’ll be using the same search engine Continua a leggere..

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Introducing the Simple Payment Widget

Since the introduction of the Simple Payment Button, we’ve been looking for more ways to streamline payments on and Jetpack-enabled sites. Today, we’re introducing a new variant of the Simple Payment Button, available to Premium and Business plan subscribers and to Jetpack sites on Premium and Professional plans. Take payments anywhere on your Continua a leggere..

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Introducing: A Diverse, Free Stock Photo Library

As many site creators know, it’s daunting to find images to represent the message you’re trying to put out into the world — especially if you don’t have the equipment or time to make your own. At, we’re constantly striving to make it as easy as possible to create beautiful websites that represent who Continua a leggere..

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Podcasting on

It’s no secret that we’re big fans of podcasts — their beautiful storytelling and engaging news delivery add a whole new dimension to the media landscape — and podcasters. We happily support podcast creators, from sponsoring events like Podcast Movement to supporting embeds from services like RadioPublic. Did you know that allows you to host your Continua a leggere..

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Sharing Options from to Facebook Are Changing

We wanted to update you about an upcoming change Facebook is introducing to their platform, and which affects how you may share posts from your website to your Facebook account. Starting August 1, 2018, third-party tools can no longer share posts automatically to Facebook Profiles. This includes Publicize, the tool for and Jetpack-powered Continua a leggere..

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Welcome Atavist! A Groundbreaking Publishing Platform Joins the Family

Today we’re announcing that Atavist, a multimedia publishing platform and award-winning magazine, will be joining parent company Automattic. This news is exciting to me on a few levels — eight years ago I had my first introduction to Atavist when I met a journalist named Evan Ratliff for coffee at Housing Works in New Continua a leggere..

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Bookmark Posts with Save For Later

Maybe you’re reading a blog post while sipping your morning tea when you suddenly realize it’s getting late, or you’re browsing on the bus — but you just got to your stop. The Reader is a great tool for catching up with your favorite blogs or exploring interesting new reads. And now, you can Continua a leggere..

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