FOOD BLOGGER: Ragazze conTorte

Le ragazze normali, a Natale, desiderano una nuova borsa, un paio scarpe, un bijoux. Quelle conTorte invece, vogliono una planetaria o un abbattitore. Sono Valeria Mei Cagnoli e sono la penna (anzi il dito sulla tastiera) che scrive su questo blog. Nella mia “vita precedente” sono stata un’attrice e ho avuto la fortuna e il privilegio di lavorare a fianco di grandi artisti, come Francesco Venditti, Andy Luotto, Katia Ricciarelli, Ernesto Mahieux, Angelo Infanti, Anna Longhi, Maurizio Mattioli… La passione per lo zucchero è arrivata nella mia vita per puro caso, così come tutte le cose più belle: la scelta di vivere a Roma, per la vincita di una borsa di studio; il cinema di Bollywood, perché un regista credeva fossi di origini indiane; il mio meraviglioso bambino, perché una ginecologa pensava non potessi rimanere incinta. Da quando è nato Andrea, ho deciso di “appendere al chiodo” la maschera dell’attrice, che mi portava troppo spesso e troppo a lungo lontano da casa, e prendere in mano le fruste… ma solo quelle di pasticceria!!

Gli ultimi post di Ragazze conTorte

Faster, More Flexible Editing of Your Sidebars, Headers, and Footers: Blocks for Widgets

The block editor makes site creation fast and flexible. Now, you can use that same huge library of blocks available when editing your pages and posts to edit and customize your sidebars, headers, and footers. What are Widgets? Sidebars, headers, and footers on your website are powered by widgets. Widgets are small but powerful Continua a leggere..

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5 Ways to Get Started On Your Side Hustle

At Automattic, we believe in making the web a better place by helping people get access to powerful tools that help them tell their stories and turn their passion into an income generator. During the pandemic, we noticed that people were focusing on their side hustle and building a trusted brand online. We’re focused on Continua a leggere..

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Heading Font Weights and List View Toggles Arrive in Block Editor and WordPress 5.8

Let’s dive into some recent block updates meant to improve your efficiency and spice up the look of your blog or website. Stylish Heading Font Weights Headings not only draw your audience in, they help get your message across. Now you can enhance the font weight of headings with the click of a dropdown menu. Continua a leggere..

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The Second Annual, Official Growth Summit is Coming and You Won’t Want to Miss It

You’ve got an idea; let’s get it online. Join us online for the second Official Growth Summit on August 17th in the Americas + EMEA and August 18th in APAC.  Calling all creators, small businesses, and publishers!  Are you a blogger looking for ways to drive traffic and attract more visitors? Are you a Continua a leggere..

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Make Your Best Photos Shine

We’ve recently launched an upgraded photo carousel experience that takes photo viewing to the next level on mobile devices. Now your visitors can swipe, zoom, and double-tap with ease and get the best look at those beautiful snaps! Video Overview Here’s a short video overview of using the photo carousel on a mobile device and Continua a leggere..

Continua a leggere.. Managed Hosting Webinar with Rudy Faile, Automattic Systems

On June 16, 2021, presented a live webinar focused on Managed Hosting with The topic expert was Rudy Faile, Automattic Systems Engineer. Hosting the webinar was Sam Vaidya, Automattic Happiness Engineer. If you missed the live event, don’t worry. You can watch the recording at your convenience on Youtube or view it right Continua a leggere..

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Popular Podcast App Pocket Casts Joins Automattic

We’re excited to announce that Pocket Casts will be joining Automattic, the parent company of More than 80M people in the US listen to a podcast weekly, and this critically acclaimed podcast app makes it easier for fans to discover podcasts and customize their listening experience. Pocket Casts has been recognized by The New Continua a leggere..

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6 Ways Courses Help You Grow experts invite you to join our community-driven courses to get your blog or podcast started, launched, or taken to the next level. Join today for on-demand content, access to a course community of peers, weekly office hours with our dedicated experts, and virtual meet-ups to connect with other learners like you. Start learning here.  Overheard Continua a leggere..

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Build a Blogging Habit with Reminders in Your WordPress App

Writing regularly on your blog both improves your writing skills and engages the readers that visit your site. The more you write, the better — you can meet your posting goals while also building an online audience that keeps coming back for more. But to keep up a good habit, sometimes you need a nudge. Continua a leggere..

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P2 Puts Easy, Flexible Project Tracking Tools In Your Hands

From to-do apps and day planners, to spreadsheets and full-blown subscription services, making your work trackable and visible can really help with productivity. P2 is the tool we use at Automattic (the company behind, and today we’d love to share some ways you can do the same. What sets P2 apart from other project Continua a leggere..

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