FOOD BLOGGER: wonkabakery

Ciao a tutti, Mi chiamo SIlvia ho 30 anni e vivo in Umbria. La cucina e' la mia grande passione e il mio Hobby! in ogni ricetta troverete anche una canzone perche' adoro cucinare in musica ;-)

Gli ultimi post di wonkabakery

Blizzard 23 Gennaio 2016 Jonas a New York City – Paesaggio magico a Brooklyn

I Newyorkesi sono felici adesso!Perche sia chiaro a New York non e’ inverno senza neve e guai a toccare ai Newyorkesi la neve! In una citta come questa in cui le certezze sono poche e i punti fermi quasi un miraggio, quello della neve a New York in inverno invece rimane un caposaldo inviolabile!Cosi e’ Continua a leggere..

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#wonkagoest to …. Olives harvesting season – La stagione del raccolto delle olive

I was in Italy in November, a very quick visit to see my family before returning to New York.Every time My husband and I go back to Italy we want to relax with our families but time waits for no one and we always run from one place to another.To make a long story short, Continua a leggere..

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Leek "scallops" and oyster mushrooms on brown rice – Porro e funghi ostrica su riso integrale

Also winter brings seasonal fruits and if combined together you will have a delicious dish, just like this one.Oyster mushrooms are exquisite, I like them because they are tasty and while cooking don’t loose their chubby texture.This recipe is inspired by the book “/redirect.php?URL=My new roots” of Sarah Britton.The original recipe had black rice instead Continua a leggere..

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Classic Italian cheese pie – Torta soffice al formaggio

This one is a “family recipe”, actually  it’s “my family’s recipe”!It’s simple and quick,  I grew up with this delicious classic Italian cheese pie, an aroma that always reminds me who I am and where I come from.I really wanted this 2016 to begin just like this! Reminding myself that no matter where you are Continua a leggere..

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