From September 19 to September 26, we invited members of the WordPress community to join us in one of our favorite yearly traditions: the Automattic Worldwide WordPress 5K (open to runners, walkers, cyclists, and hikers — and any other type of ambulation). Here are some of the stories and photos people shared from their corner Continua a leggere..
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Community Recap: Automattic’s Worldwide WordPress 5K
The Best of WordPress: September 2016
Hi everyone, it’s been a busy few weeks in the world of WordPress,, and Automattic, so I thought I’d share a roundup with all of you! Here’s a rundown: Welcome to WordPress We are proud to host the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative’s new Biohub, with a bold vision to invest in science, technology and human Continua a leggere..
Join Automattic’s Worldwide WP 5k 2016
The Worldwide WordPress 5k (#WWWP5k) is back and better than ever! Any time between Monday, September 19th to Sunday, September 25th, lace up your running/walking/hiking/hopping shoes and join us for the 5k blogged about around the world! Automatticians are planning to hit the trail on September 19th during our company meetup in Whistler, Canada. This year, we Continua a leggere..
Field Notes: Junior Innovation Camp
Automatticians, the people who build, participate in events and projects around the world every day. Periodically, they report back on the exciting things they do when not in front of a computer. Today I’d like to share some experiences we had during the Junior Innovator Camp that was part of the Wonder Women Tech Continua a leggere..
Introducing Content Options: An Easy New Way to Make Visual Changes to Your Site
We’re excited to announce a newly launched Customizer panel called Content Options. The Content Options section gives you an easy way to make small visual modifications across your site—like hiding the post date or displaying an excerpt instead of a full post, with no custom CSS needed! There are three main features for now: Blog Display: Continua a leggere..
Introducing: Data for Breakfast!
The Data Team at Automattic is pleased to announce a new blog for everyone who loves data! Data for Breakfast will feature posts about our data stack, trends in usage, and whatever currently tickles our data fancy. We’re data scientists and engineers with a passion for our craft, and we’re starting this blog Continua a leggere..
Level Up with Blogging U.
Thousands of bloggers have used Blogging U’s step-by-step email courses to get started, grow as writers, create beautiful websites, learn the ins and outs of, push their photography skills, and more. There are ten different courses currently available, for folks of all interests and skill levels. Click any course’s title to learn more about it and Continua a leggere..
It’s Time: Apply For Early Access to Your Own .blog Domain Name
If you’ve been looking for the perfect address for your blog, it’s about to get even easier. Millions of new .blog domain names (like will be available this November — and starting today, you can apply to secure your own domain name. Just go to and apply to pre-register the domain you want. Continua a leggere..
Three Ways to Showcase Instagram Photos on Your Website
Your Instagram account is a great way to share your life, products, and services online. With all that great content, why not showcase your Instagram account on your website or blog? Learn three ways makes it easy and discover other sites that are doing it well. Activate the Instagram Widget The Instagram Widget allows Continua a leggere..
Browser Notifications on
Today we’re launching a feature that will show instant notifications for new comments and likes — even when you are not actively using Browser notifications give you a real-time sense of your readers’ reactions, allowing you to stay more engaged with your audience. Notifications will show up in Chrome or Firefox in the same Continua a leggere..
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