Mangia has Moved!!!I have relocated my blog site to WordPress. Please find me at Mangiawithmario.comI look forward to hearing from you!
Abito in San Francisco California!
Gli ultimi post di Mario
Simply Egglicious!
“It was wrong, but sometimes you have to break a few eggs in order to make an omelette.” Stephen King “An army marches on its stomach”-Napoleon Bonaparte You can scramble them. Fry them. Boil them. Poach them. Bake them. Pickle them. Devil them. Salad them. Frittata them. Quiche them. Nog them. Curry them and even Continua a leggere..
Super Bowl 50 and San Francisco Dining
“Part of the secret of a success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside.”-Mark Twain It’s February. It’s San Francisco. And in case you missed it, there’s a football game that’s going to be played here. Super Bowl 50 to be exact. The area is buzzing Continua a leggere..
A Delightful Weekend
“Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what’s for lunch.” -Orson Welles Dio mio! I hope you’re sitting down. Because guess what? After a long hiatus I am back. I trust that all has been well with your lives and that you have enjoyed many days of exciting adventures. I know Continua a leggere..
Aloha Oahu
The loveliest fleet of islands that has anchored in any ocean- Mark Twain Michael Jackson. And Elvis Presley. And Bruno Mars and me.Oh and Magnum PI, too.Do you know what we have all had in common?Well it’s not dancing and it’s not singingYeah, I’ve heard that Tom Selleck sing.No, what we have in common Continua a leggere..
Taco Truck Tacos
“Food is music inside the body, and Mexican food is a band of Mariachis” -Pelagia I never met no taco I didn’t like. In fact, I’m headed out to buy a couple of them right now. Not just any tacos but arguably some of the best tacos I have eaten. And they Continua a leggere..
Happy New Year 2014
“For unto us a child is born…” Isaiah 9:6 “The pleasure of a great meal is doubled when shared with one whose company you treasure”- Pelagia “Your smile is the best curve to make one’s life staright”- Pelagia Happy MMXIV! That’s how our friends in ancient Rome would write it, otherwise known Continua a leggere..
Around the World in 49 Miles
“I love to travel but I hate to arrive” – Albert Einstein “If you’re afraid of butter, use cream.” - Julia Child I have a question for you.Let’s play pretend for just a bit. If you could go to any three places in the world, where would you go? Travel and accommodations all paid for. That’s Continua a leggere..
Charleston Chow
Have you ever time traveled? I have. Sounds strange, doesn’t it? But go figure. There we were. My wife and I were sitting in a horse drawn carriage riding down this city’s cobbled streets; passing homes and churches that have stood since before the American Revolution. Founded in 1670, some of this city’s citizens would go on Continua a leggere..
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