Tag Archives: Play Store

Sederet Aplikasi Baca Manga Gratis untuk Smartphone

Kamu salah satu penggemar anime manga? Tapi bingung cari tempat untuk bisa membaca manga tersebut? Nah, kini kamu bisa menemukan solusinya karena ada sederet aplikasi baca manga yang bisa kamu gunakan di smartphone. Manga sendiri ialah sebuah istilah yang sering dikaitkan dengan komik Jepang. Dengan mempunyai gaya tersendiri, manga mempunyai ciri khas tersendiri yang lain Continua a leggere..

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La tecnologia aiuta a perdere peso: ecco come

La tecnologia più all’avanguardia può essere un valido aiuto per chi ha intenzione di perdere peso, a maggior ragione nel caso in cui si voglia raggiungere l’obiettivo del calo ponderale in tempi rapidi. Sia sull’App Store che sul Google Play Store, infatti, è disponibile un gran numero di applicazione che permettono di scoprire e di Continua a leggere..

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Simpler On-the-Go Publishing: Background Media Uploading for Android

Version 8.1 of the WordPress for Android app is now available, with some great enhancements to publishing: background media uploading. Adding images to a post or page? Now, you can publish — and move on to other things — while your media uploads. No more waiting inside the editor while images gradually upload! Tap the Publish button Continua a leggere..

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Simpler On-the-Go Publishing: Background Media Uploading for Android

Version 8.1 of the WordPress for Android app is now available, with some great enhancements to publishing: background media uploading. Adding images to a post or page? Now, you can publish — and move on to other things — while your media uploads. No more waiting inside the editor while images gradually upload! Tap the Publish button Continua a leggere..

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Simpler On-the-Go Publishing: Background Media Uploading for Android

Version 8.1 of the WordPress for Android app is now available, with some great enhancements to publishing: background media uploading. Adding images to a post or page? Now, you can publish — and move on to other things — while your media uploads. No more waiting inside the editor while images gradually upload! Tap the Publish button Continua a leggere..

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Simpler On-the-Go Publishing: Background Media Uploading for Android

Version 8.1 of the WordPress for Android app is now available, with some great enhancements to publishing: background media uploading. Adding images to a post or page? Now, you can publish — and move on to other things — while your media uploads. No more waiting inside the editor while images gradually upload! Tap the Publish button Continua a leggere..

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Simpler On-the-Go Publishing: Background Media Uploading for Android

Version 8.1 of the WordPress for Android app is now available, with some great enhancements to publishing: background media uploading. Adding images to a post or page? Now, you can publish — and move on to other things — while your media uploads. No more waiting inside the editor while images gradually upload! Tap the Publish button Continua a leggere..

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